
OB/GYN doctor/patient confidentiality issue?

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Hi. Next week I will be visiting my OB/GYN for the first time to have a pap smear, etc and I'm somewhat nervous. I was referred by my family doctor because of an ovarian cyst that was discovered a month ago.

I also plan to discuss with him other personal issues to do with sexual intercourse, sexual activity etc. etc..

and my mother won't be at the appointment as she has to work,

& she's very angry about this because she planned to be in the room to monitor everything..

so she plans to call the doctor's office afterwards and have the doctor relay to her all the details of my appointment & what we discussed.

In my opinion, my health is my own, and I would rather my parents not be informed of personal discussions I'm having with my doctor.

I'm 16. Can she do this? Does doctor/patient confiedentiality still apply to me even though I'm 16?




  1. Anything you talk about with your doctor should be confidential, and what is said in the room, stays in the room!

    I'm sure if you ask your doctor not to discuss certain things with your mother that were said at your appointment, he/she would respect your confidentiality and therefore won't say too much about what happened. I hope i helped.

    ~ princess.xo

  2. omg, that seems like the worst situation. umm, i would defiantly talk to your doctor about it, no matter what. and i would even tell the doctor how you want everything discussed to be totally confidential, most doctors ive experienced will respect that, and sometimes when a doctor needs to ask about a patient being sexually active they ask the parent to leave so it can be personal and confidential so i imagine they would not tell. I also really think you need to talk to your mother about it this, because it is just ridiculous that she is calling your doctor, if that was me id feel embarrassed and untrusted which i bet you do too so you should just address it head on

    good luck<33  

  3. If you specifically tell you OBGYN about how you want everything to be confidential for your own personal safety he will definitely keep everything between you and him otherwise it is illegal even if it is you mother.

  4. It depends on the state, sometimes doctor's have to relay information regarding certain behavior and such to parents, however in this case your doctor has no grounds to reveal any of that information.  If it turns out they do, talk to a lawyer because it is a serious crime.

  5. There is a doctor/patient confidentiality that does apply to a certain degree.  I've worked for doctors most my life.  He only has to divulge medical information.  If you have questions about anything else, or are experiencing something that isn't a serious medical situation, then he won't feel compelled to divulge a conversation with your parents.  Doctors understand how many teenagers don't have someone to turn to with certain questions.  Explain which parts of the conversation you would like not shared with your mom, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

  6. With my OBGYN, I signed a form saying that my parents can only talk about scheduling and billing information with them. I'm from Oregon, but not all states have the same law.

    Ask your doctor or someone at the front desk. If you have the number, i would suggest calling them to ask ahead of time. Good luck! =)

  7. you are entitled to your privacy my daughter who was 14 i had to have her permission to stay in the room with her . if she would of said no i would of had to leave. Unless there is a life or death situation it is not to be repeated to your mother. privacy policy act protects everyone.And you are of age to sign your own which you will have to do . It is called the hippo law you will receive one when you go the doctors.

  8. Well, since you're 16 and still legally dependent upon your parents, they can ask and get information relayed to them.  You can talk to your doctor about whether or not you want certain information relayed, and if he says he can't keep it confidential from the parents because you're still a minor, you may ask him if he can just tell me that you'll tell them when you're ready to tell them, in which case you can not tell them at all if you so wish.  IDK.  Granted, this is coming from a guy who at one point wanted to be an OB/GYN, but I don't see that as being too much of a problem.  Anyway, it may also depend on the state as well, but most states will open it to the parents as you're a dependent minor by law.  However, talk to them about it and see if it's a choice.

  9. Ask the doctor prior to telling him anything. My daughter and I have the same situation. He tells me about what I brought her in for, but not about questions she asks.  

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