

by Guest63980  |  earlier

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AND FOR weeks we heard nothing about his lack of patriotism....Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party (wanting to separate from the United States)....Wheres the anger? Wheres the insults? Seriously, wouldn't this being the ultimate slap in America's face?

Edit: and to you that have sarcastically commented on Obama's name popping up in spell check...well, guess who pops up now?




  1. Yeah! I love that one - "Why doesn't he wear a god d**n pin!?!?!?"

    Those republicans are so backwards!

  2. I dont wear one either, but wake up everyday a proud American....s***w you japan....p.s I love you and your opinion  

  3. well everybody already knows that Palin is un patriotic. she cares about herself more than america

  4. Don't waste your time they don't care if a republican is actually guilty of unpatriotic acts, they have more fun going on and on about Obama and the flag pin. Looks like republicans have some Kool-Aid of their own.

  5. Of course, you're not going to find any outrage from the repugs. They are very hypocritical and quite skilled at spinning something for their advantage.

  6. OMG no flag pin -- he must be a terrorist!!!

    conservatives is crasy, yo

  7. SO WHAT?????

  8. I'd like to add this:

  9. The vetting process should have done more to investigate Palin's wanting to give up her citizenship. I find it laughable that she is never caught without her large flag pin given, her history. I'm angry that McCain is being so careless with our national security to not properly vet this woman.

  10. Yes he does but on his jacket...not shirts as I noticed.... PALIN WHO?!?!? Doesn't she look like that woman in Will & Grace....what's her name again?!? Karen I think you know who I mean? :-)

  11. Anyone that says they are completely proud of their goverment and never question it are communist!

  12. She welcomed their party to her state  and she attended  a covention, she was not a member.

  13. Palin was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. This is RUMOR. This is part of the smear campaign because of the fear McCain Palin have caused in the Democrats party.  

  14. he has been wearing it lately

    or at least he did at the dnc

    so, i guess that's why some have shut their idiotic mouths

  15. I never saw a picture of Washington or Lincoln wearing flag pins.

  16. Yeah! Why does Sarah Palin hate America?!

  17. Palin?

    Why doesn't she wear her flag pin?

  18. Yes, seems Ms. Palin is getting a free ride on this issue.  Do we really want someone as VP who a few years was in an organization to succeed from the US....NOW she wants to be the VPOTUS or POTUS?  Is this an example of her judgment?  Do we really want judgment like that?  

    Someone wearing or NOT wearing a flag pin is asinine...but someone in an organization promoting separation from the US, well that needs closer examination.  

    LOL...yeah Palin is a misspelled word.

  19. I have two flag pins so I'm twice as American? ? ?

    I'm a little confused. . . when Obama wasn't wearing a flag pin, we heard about it all the time. .  .

    I heard on the radio today that Palin was a member of the AIP. . . ten years ago. . .before she got into politics, etc.

    So are you for Obama or against Palin or both?  

  20. WHO ?

  21. Neither does Palin nor McCain so what's your point.

  22. For some reason Democrats are unfairly blamed for being unpatriotic, usually for reasons like the fact we do not want to be in war.  I'm sorry, but we shouldn't be there in the first place, and my favorite bumper sticker says "Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave" and I think that's true.  I fully support those who go into the military to serve our country, and it just sucks that they have to do it in a way that doesn't help us or isn't worth the cost.  Another reason is because we aren't as gung-ho about terrorist hunting and tend to be more accepting of those of other races/religions.  Like Muslims, they are NOT ALL TERRORISTS and some of my favorite people are Muslim and were born in Arabic countries... but whatever, they can believe the delusions they create for themselves all they want, I know what I believe.

  23. If we are going to examine such things as separating from the United  States we should look at Obama choosing to launch his political career by soliciting support for Bill Ayers, a declared enemy of the United States and his favorite author Frank Marshall Davis a declared Communist and Soviet sympathizer.  By taking these positions he virtually declares this country unacceptable.  I wouldn't call that patriotism.

  24. I don't wear a flag pin, does that mean I'm not a patriot? And Alaska might as well be a part of Canada anyways. I think all the anger can be found in your question. But I can't answer your last question.. who does pup up now? The public must know!!

  25. I am so ashamed of all of these posts.  What awful selfish people Americans are.

    Shame on all of you.

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