
OBE? Lucid dreaming? and does everyone have a soul?

by Guest33057  |  earlier

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maybe i can't OBE because i don't have a soul, what if not everyone was born with a soul?

What do i do?

okay, last night i had a mini lucid dream, in the dream i realized i was dreaming and i was like hey, maybe i can OBE since its similar or something.

well anyways i zoomed in one direction and it felt like my body was going at 10000 FPS "feet per second"

and anyways i zoomed out my body, BUT i was still dreaming because it was night time in my dream, and i woke up right after that and it had long been day light, so i know it had to just be a dream. "also a weird thing, i saw credits "like at the end of a movie" in when i got out of my body, and it was all black and everything and i saw those credits."

so i know i was dreaming about an OBE but did not actually have one, so what if i cant because i have no soul!!!!!!!!?????




  1. Where are you getting such stupid information from... For if you were born alive and human you have a soul... And not every human being can have and OBE...... You have to explain to me how you were born human but without a soul... I can't wait to see what other stupid statements you have locked in that wacked out mind of yours....................

  2. If you believe in souls, everyone has one. If you dont believe in souls, you dont believe in OBE's. So yeah, you have a soul.

  3. o_O

    if you have no soul, then who is it thats dreaming? who is it thats writing this question in yahoo answers? it isnt your physical body, after you die your physical body still exists, the only difference is that it no longer holds your soul, your life spark, that part of you which does not consist of your physical self...

    you have a soul.. relax

  4. OBE's and Astral projection. I can write here and pretend I know what im saying. I have done it before, it is a very real way to experience the world. It's tricky cause you can loose a part of yourself in doing it. But it's ok as all things are happening and nothing is irideemable.

    Not everyone has a soul, most people are sleeping robots running a program sequence of actions instead of actual breathing waking being. Not everyone is awake, those that are are plagued by those that are still asleep as if they want to wake up so there attracted to you but there just mindless androids and don't care anything about you.

  5. Now I don't know everything but just because you can't astrally project doesn't mean you have no soul.  The very fact that you are animating a body means you have a soul.  The reason you couldn't do it in your dream is because:

    A) you aren't ready

    B) you don't really believe you can

    C) you don't believe you have anything to project (a soul)

    Be assured you have a soul and if first you don't succeed try, try again.  Blessed be.

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