
OCD and i feel like i can't have a normal relationship?

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I was in a relationship and i began to become Obsessive-Compulsive. It ruined our relationship and now i'm afraid of going into another one. Honestly, i don't think i'm able to because i will alienate her with my obsessions (Especially germs and diseases/STDs).

I've tried drugs and i hated them, i went off them and for a bit i was going on violent rants. What can i do? I'm so lonely yet my own OCD is keeping me back from being happy.




  1. The most effective - and yes it DOES work - treatment for OCD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You need to locate a therapist in your area who specializes in this type of therapy. There is The OC Foundation in CT that could also help you find support in your area.

    Just do a Google search for the foundation.

    My son has had severe OCD since very young and he had anxiety that was crippling his life. We found thru a referral a therapist who specialized in CBT for OCD and it truly got it under control. He still has some OCD issues at 19 yrs old but they don't control his life and he knows what to do on his own now when they creep up. As I am sure you know OCD symptoms wax and wane in frequency and anxiety or a traumatic event can trigger these. There is also quite a good amount of reading material on OCD that is helpful. Make sure the book is endorsed by the OC Foundation, if it is it will say so on the book, and then you will know it is a credible book.

    Medication for OCD never helped my son nor was psychotherapy - only CBT, for OCD it is called Exposure/Response/Prevention therapy.

    finding a therapist to do this work with you and teach you the techniques that you can eventually do on your own can be life changing.  

  2. My best friend has OCD.  He goes to behavior therapy for it.  I is really hard for people around a person with OCD because that person often acts like the rest of the world is a big germ.

    Perhaps you can work more on your ocd before you get into another relationship.

  3. In school I fond this very beautiful girl.  She had very nice long hair great body and a wonderful attitude.  She did a lot of weird stuff.  Anyways about two or three months later I found out what the problem was.  She had OCD.  Two years later where still together.  We learned to work it out with each other.  I'm sure you will meet someone that will understand.  Good luck.        

  4. u should take pills for OCD dude thats what i do....... ~xoxo ally*

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