
OCD symptoms regarding minimalism and rearranging things?

by  |  earlier

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I hear a lot about hoarding as being a symptom of OCD behavior, but was just wondering if anyone has or knows others who have had or have symptoms regarding rearranging things like furniture or other items, and storing them or throwing them away to give the place a more minimalistic feel. I'm not talking about minimalism in regards to fashion or art, but like throwing things out and rearranging things very close together while leaving most of the room empty. Does anyone else have this or know what it means (subconsciously)?




  1. Oh my god, I cant belive I have found people with similar symptoms as me.... I thought most OCD was hoarding things etc... but my OCD costs me a fortune every year.. I throw things away, constantly rearrange my rooms, furniture etc... It has to be very simple/minimalistic and neat...

    Out of experience I now pack things away when im on a "high" then i can go back to them a few days later and re-arrange... Once I threw away my cooker and fridge aswell.... I convince myself at the time that "getting rid of stuff" will make me better....

    I put it down to stress most of the time, its quite bad now as Im a student... I think my ideal lifestyle would be living like a buddhist nun, with a mat and a few possesions... "stuff" weighs me down, I fear cleaning, rearranging and loss of possions... having nothing to loose feels safer?? Im not really sure about my psychology, but I have a few ideas and think that there are many factors that affect my behaviour..

    Would love to discuss with other sufferers, Im 35yrs female in London.

    Ana :)

  2. Oh my god, I cant belive I have found people with similar symptoms as me.... I thought most OCD was hoarding things etc... but my OCD costs me a fortune every year.. I throw things away, constantly rearrange my rooms, furniture etc... It has to be very simple/minimalistic and neat...

    Out of experience I now pack things away when im on a "high" then i can go back to them a few days later and re-arrange... Once I threw away my cooker and fridge aswell.... I convince myself at the time that "getting rid of stuff" will make me better....

    I put it down to stress most of the time, its quite bad now as Im a student... I think my ideal lifestyle would be living like a buddhist nun, with a mat and a few possesions... "stuff" weighs me down, I fear cleaning, rearranging and loss of possions... having nothing to loose feels safer?? Im not really sure about my psychology, but I have a few ideas and think that there are many factors that affect my behaviour..

    Would love to discuss with other sufferers, Im 35yrs female in London.

    Ana :)

  3. My husband has ocd and he is constantly trying to get rid of things.  He will sometimes throw MY stuff out as well without consulting me first, which causes huge problems between us.

  4. I didn't realize the need to throw things out constantly related to OCD. But it makes sense now. I have that pretty bad. I also feel the need for everything to be in exact order.

    I think the whole minimalism impuse relates to our sense of self worth. Sometimes we throw stuff out not really because it's taking up space, but because we feel like we don't deserve to own a certain ammount of objects.

  5. I also have this very badly.
    I rearrange things untill i have a headake and go on crazy throw out rampages untill i vertally have nothing left.
    It can make life very difficult indeed

  6. i have it really bad.emailme at

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