
OCDIntrusive thoughts?

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Ok. ive had these weird obsesive thoughts for about 1 years now and ive kept it bottled up. until i couldnt take it so i told my aunty. the thoughts wont go and tbh they make me feel sick, really on edge and iv even been really depressed. im 14 and i cart concentrate about anything without these rude thoughts in my head :(

i been searchin on the internet to see wat it could be and me and my aunt fink i have OCDIntrusive thoughts.

DO You Get Medication Too Sort It Out??!?!?!

please someone tell mee.

i cant bar these thoughts anymore.

its really upsettin me.

and if you no anyone else wid a case of OCDIntrusive thoughts tell mee. Thank You :(




  1. it's very common to have pure O ocd.  which just means you have the obsessive thoughts without the compulsions.  it's very annoying and hard to get your brain to shut up.   meds and therapy have worked best for me.  most SSRI's aren't that bad.  but i would talk to a doctor first.

  2. learn to accept that you have them. Just dont act on them :)

  3. I have them too,though thankfully not as much as i used to.It's not something i feel entirely comfortable talking about on here,but please feel free to message me if you wish to talk more.You'd be surprised just how many people suffer and are willing to talk about bipolar/ocd/self-harm and the like.There's definatly support there if you'd like it.Sometimes,yes medication does help but not always.The best thing you can possibly do is work up the courage and talk to a councilor or therapist.Maybe you could join a young persons group for people with mental illness,they're very helpful.Take care.

  4. I felt how you are feeling when i was 10............ Now older i want to talk to a doctor but im just not ready it'll take some time... When the thought of SUICIDE comes... h**l YEAH GO TO YOUR DOCTOR NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. I am an OCD sufferer and completely understand what you;re going through. The obtrusive thoughts are a big part of it, and theyre horrible. They just come into your head and no matter what yu do, you cant push them out. It is a symptom of OCD. There is cognitive therapy that you can have that is supposed to help it. But what i've found is, that with time, it has eased and i can control and handle the symptoms of the condition better than a few years ago. You could go and see your doctor about it and he/she could recommend some people for you to see or other possible routes to take. Good luck, and im here if you need to talk, i know how hard it is!

  6. the best thing is too go to the dr and explain your  thoughts to them

    and ask your aunt  to go with you, as she is the only person you


    have you tried talking to your mum about how you feel,

    that is what she is there for.

      hope you get it sorted out,  good luck.


  7. go to the doctors. Get your aunty to take you.
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