
OCR ICT Level 2 Results?

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This was a 4 GCSE course that I did for 2 years. I recieved my GCSE results on the 21st of August. Yet, I didnt get my ICT on the certificate. And it's been confirmed what grades I have got, as the teacher was sent back the marked coursework and told me when we were at school at the time. The school has a policy to when we recieve those certificates, but I havent heard anything since then.

I'm just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me.




  1. My students didn't get their OCR results on a transcript either, but we had it on a list as a department. Your teachers will have told you what grades you got and as the other poster said, you'll get your certificates (which will provide evidence of the qualifications) if you were counting on these to get into sixth form, you can ask your school to provide a letter on headed paper to say you got this award for your FE college.  

  2. We did ours 2 years ago (I just got my GCSEs too, but we did the course in year 9). We were told that we had passed, but didn't get the certificate until the start of yr 10. Maybe it'll be the same for you? Sorry I couldn't be more help lol


    can anyone help with mine too? Thanks

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