
ODD DREAM WITH CARS AND CHINESE PEOPLE? i have nothing to do with chinese other then i love chinese food..?

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Wierd dream!! Chinese people and cars? help?

Ok so this is what i dreamt. At first i went into a chinese restaurant where i ordered soup, chicken with rice and an apetizer i think it was dumplings. then i ate the soup and everything else was brought out...for some reason a chinese person whom i think was the owner it was a female sat next to me and started eating HER soup. at that moment i was eating the chicken with rice but only had 1/2 of it and did not eat any of the apetizer. before i knew it the woman ate my apetizer and the other 1/2 of my meal was taken away by someone else. which is wierd (oh by the way i NEVER EVER remember my dreams especially in such details) anyways...then the check comes for EVERYTHING. yet she ate my apetizer and 1/2 of my food was taken and it ends up being that i ate half and i had the soup and thats it. i refused to pay it and only wanted to pay for what i ate. took them a while to come back but i dont remember if i paid any of it or just left..thats blury because the next thing i know there is another scene. a car scene in my driveway...maybe early next morning or maybe that day or night. my car was parked in the driveway and a bunch of chinese come with their car and start beating and damaging mine or rather they tell me they will and i dont konw why..somehow the police shows up and i dont know what happened in between..but i know i woke thats odd also im not chinese im 24 year old female live in new york. the only thing is that i do have a new car only 3-4 months old and im very careful with it plus on sunday our apetizer for our party is sushi and im going to the place on friday even if sushi is japanese im confused maybe it has something to do with it!! because the people working there are definilty chinese not japanese. isnt this odd?? explain please!!!!

10 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

10 hours ago

By the way im NOT scared of chinese...i love them and their food and their culture and cant wait to go to China etc...second i live in new york city in brooklyn where most of them reside so there is no fear or fear of assimilation or anything of that sort. its deeper then that.

8 hours ago

in response to the third answer: i dont live near china town and i hae never ever had anything to do with a chinese person other then going to school with them several years ago, ordering takeout, eating at their restaurants etc. Otherwise they dont really mean anything symbolic to me. No authority there. But why chinese? why my car? i dont get it. thats why this is so strange for me. Its something i wouldnt think about. I am a graduate student, egaged, happy, overweight, going to be a teacher, there will be a family gathering this sunday with both sides of the family thats the only thing but chinese? no..i dont think so...i wont even bring the olympics into this...thats not something that even phases me! then what does this mean? HELP!!!




  1. Firstly, calm down. You seem like the frantic type. Realize everything is going to be alright. It was just a dream.

    Going into a restaurant and eating food, with chinese people, who you don't know shows that you are normally surround by what you feel are strangers in real life. As often one feels in restaurants, you have something in common with them, but still feel distant.

    Stealing food -

    You may feel guilty for eating, but are yet fine with it.

    An Unknown Threatens -

    You feel that you are doing something wrong in life, but you don't know what it is. This could be an empty fear caused by intense worrying.

    The threats -

    The threats, or the fears, are subdued by police. Meaning you don't have to worry, about the unknown so much, you can calm down, and if didn't know this in your brain, I doubt the police would have came.

    Pleasant Dreams

  2. This dream seems meaningless to me. Just calm down and continue to eat your Chinese takeouts, and park your car better, and become a great teacher. Then all things will turn out fine.

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