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today we were in science class and my teacher asked people where did they go over the summer, then someone raised their hand and said charleston, SC and then i felt werid and cold, i had the feeling of super natural come across my mind, so i decided to go home and google it, it turns out its a very haunted place, can someone please explain, what happened? i never heard of the place in my life until now!




  1. You may have had a past life

    in that location.

  2. Well I honestly dont know much about that place.  But usually everyone gets a weird feeling sometimes.  Its just your intuition telling you that place has some spookes.  It happens.  Nothing is wrong.  God bless.

  3. I really doubt you had an encounter from SC when your not there. Its probably just low blood sugar and and avid imagination.

  4. I would start listening to your gut, and paying attention to strange things that occur to you.  There is no such thing as a coincidence or de ja vue, or accidents.  What happens is what is meant to happen.

    Think of it this way; you have all your senses (i.e., smell, hear, taste), and this is just another one.  When you hit the same vibration, information like this comes through.  It's just that the veil is lifting and you can now access the information.

    Good luck.

  5. My bf is from there, I heard it's beautiful in there.

  6. Charleston, SC? That's like a hop, skip and jump from where I live...  

  7. Can you say "pee chill"?

    Yes, that's what it was. A pee chill. You get those when you have to pee really bad. Even if you don't realize that you have to go.

    And many different historic towns/cities have histories of being "haunted".

  8. i get those all the time i get them when i  ywan lack of oxygen could do it

  9. Nothing mysterious, it's possible you just imagined something scary.
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