
OF Mice and Men, wat kind of mental problem would u say for Lennie?

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Lennie has some time type of mental problem or disorder

he has a hard time memorizing things (he does not have short term memory law), he needs something soft to pet, acts like a kid, freezes wen he is scared, and has a great size of strength....wat would u call lennie has?




  1. It could be several things. Even autism because some people with autism are still very child like in adulthood. They often mature or grow mentally much slower than a person with out it would. We often thinnk that people with autism have some great talent to go with the disability but that isnt' always the case. Based on what little information we have on him (no testing data, IQ tests, psyc. analysis)  I would go with a form of autism as well as a severe learning disability, primarily a working memory disfunction ,  he has the ability to remember but has great difficulty recalling the needed information.

  2. I think he's just a bit 'slower' than normal. He doesn't really understand his own strength and he likes things to be more sensory.

    If you picture Forrest Gump with the added aspects then you've pretty much got it right.

  3. i don't think he has autism, but i do think his mental capacity is a little slower than that of an average person.  i think that he might have slight mental retardation.

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