
OGT helping tips?

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Okay, I've been wondering about the OGT ( Ohio Graduation Tests) oh and please people from ohio!

well I'm just wondering about the science part of the ogt, any tips on that?

Oh! and how about the social studies?

Thats all I need to study all year.

P.S. dont be rude, leave nice comments WITH RESPECT! :P




  1. In my opinion, I wouldn't worry about it.  I don't know how well you do in school, but even my friends who are failing most of their classes passed the OGT.  We do go to Ignatius though, so that may hold some weight.  That aside, 40% is still a passing grade.  

    If you are really worried, though, try picking up some sort of review books for Biology and United States History (that's what the Social Studies is mostly about).  Also, while taking the tests, don't waste too much time on the written answers.  Remember, only two fill-in-the-bubble answers make up for a single written one.

    Basically, don't freak out about it.

  2. In my opinion.. the OGT is very easy.  I went to public school and everyone I know, all at different academic levels, did very well on the test.  There is a website,, that our school used to help to prepare us for the OGT.   It really helped because the questions were more difficult than the actual test. The OGT is basically like the proficiency tests we always had to take each year.  Don't stress out about it and you'll do just fine :]

    Good luck..
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