

by  |  earlier

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there is this girl, and she looks like a guy.

and when i first met her, i thought she WAS a guy. and she dresses like one too, only she has longish guy hair.

she looks like a HOT guy. and she asked me out, and i thought she was a dude so i said yes, then somebody said "i didn't know you were bi" and i was like "IM NOT!" and then they were like "your dating alexandra, aren't you?"

and i don't know what to do. i have ALWAYS been straight and everything, but i really like alex...she is so sweet and hot.

BUT, im not g*y /;

im straight.

this is really bad, i don't know what to do.

i would NEVER date a girl, this case, i dont know...

im so confused /:




  1. Tell her straight, and get this little 'bi' tag off and away ASAP

    ...woah woah... you still think she's hot, maybe you're heteroflexible.

  2. do you NOT know someone is a girl?

    you're a smart one.


  3. We're all bisexual to some degree.

    The mere fact that you're asking for advice is evidence that you are considering embracing that aspect of your sexuality.

    Only you can answer your question.  If you're attracted to her, go out with her.  If you're not, tell her that.

  4. that's so funny

    go with it. experimentation's always fun for a while. Maybe you'll have fun.

  5. what's the real problem if you liked her for who she was they y would u leave her just because she's a she?? That's exactly what bisexual is being attracted to people regardless of gender  

  6. you need to be honest with her.  explain to her the situation so she doesnt get hurt in the end.

  7. 1. Calm down & stop freaking out.

    2. Drop the straight/g*y/bi labels. You don't have to know that right now, it will only cause you more anxiety.

    3. Be honest with her about never dating a girl before.

    4. Understand your boundaries in advance. Remember that there are no expectations in a dating and you can go at your own pace.

    5. Give Alex a chance.

    6. Have fun!

  8. i think you should at least give her a chance beucase you never know what might come out of worked out for lindsey lohan

    and just because you experiment with a girl doesnt automatically mean your a L*****n or a bi. but if you stop now then you might have missed out on something really special with her

  9. It's quite simple. Tell Alex the truth and let her know it was an innocent mistake. Also explain you are straight and would still like to remain friends. Have a good laugh about it and move on with your life.

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  10. if ur straight then ur straight u cant help it

    Some girls think that other girls are pretty

    U 100% straight!

  11. just go out and have a good time. doesn't have to be a date, does it? couple girls goin' out to strut? if it develops into something more, then fine...... but be honest with her and make sure she's honest with you. if it doesn't work out sexually, maybe you can be friends.

  12. run away from her beofre she turns you into a bi or g*y ******. its a contigeous disease or malfunction/brainwash of the brain. so get out of there and go find your self a man to date

  13.   If you like her, you like her.  I've known several femmes who came out after an experience such as the one you've described.  

    My sister dated a very butch woman that my mom didn't know was a woman.  

    Give it a shot.  If it comes down to something that just won't work, then just be friends.  

    And btw, I can relate to Alex.  I am a FTM. I look, sound, walk, talk, like a guy because I am one, just p***s not included.  But trust me, we're adaptable.  ;)  And it hurts to have someone interested in you, and then turn around an immediately be told the attraction is gone once they find out what is in your pants.  Get to know HER (or him if he's trans) as a PERSON and forget the labels.  If this person makes you happy and you are attracted to them, so be it.  

  14. just go with it, if any one makes fun of you just say hah at least i can **** any one i whant thats what i said to my freind when i told him i was bi and he was making fun of me, lol it shut him up emedetly, eveon tho im not bi im g*y butits esyeer telling soem one your bi then g*y lol

  15. Go for it, you can never say you didnt try, just tell her that you like her but have never dated a girl before, so your not sure how it will turn out but your willing to try. if not explain to her that you made a mistake and your sorry but your not really in to dating girls and should never have agreed, but you would love to stay friends and chat sometmes.  

  16. Wow thats a handfull. Well if u like HER then just try it out. mabey it will work. and if it doesnt then break it off.

  17. don't date her!

    if you're not g*y that's just gross! And she tried to trick you into thinking she's a guy, imagine what else she'll do in the relationship. You can find plenty of other cute boys out there! trust me! And this actually happened to one of my friends, Sam. She was in 7th grade and the guy (girl) was a freshman in high school. She dated him and then everyone called her a L*****n. She didn't even know he/she was girl!

    Good Luck <3  

  18. Give it a shot.  She may change your mind.  And if it doesn't work, no harm done.  Love can come from anybody.

  19. Um well if you like her then your are probably now considered bi. And if you arnt bi then i would suggesting breaking it off and just becoming friends

  20. Yeah....that is kind of hard to believe.

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