
OH MY gosh..... the GYN and <span title="ultra......HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">ultra......HELP!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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i had a ct scan done due to stomach pain I've been having for months at first my doc thought it was diverticulitis but its not.

My doc called saying there is fluid in my pelvis and that the right ovary is slightly larger than the left ovary and that, that could be normal but just to be safe i have to get a pelvic ultra sound done.

Then she said i have to see a gyn after i get pelvic ultra sound done.

I am a virgin, she knows this and she knows i nvr been to a gyno or NEVER had a gyn exam in my life!! I'm 21 yrs old.

Soooo wat exactly is a pelvic ultra sound do they just do that on ur stomach or is that where they stick this x-ray thing down below???? I'm confused and really nervous bcuz i dunno wat type it is, i asked but she just said a pelvic ultra sound. Does anyone know wat type it is and if thEy have experience???????????/Plz help i'm really not looking forward to any of these appts.....





  1. it&#039;s where they stick the ultrasound stick up your hoo-ha. it&#039;s not fun, but it&#039;s bot that bad. don&#039;t stress.  

  2. To do an ultra sound they do it one of 2 ways. They will either squirt some cold gel on your pelvic area and run a machine over it like they do when they do an ultra sound to find out the s*x of a baby. The worst part of that is the cold gel. The second way is similar to the first, they squirt cold gel on your pelvic area and you lay under a machine like an xray machine and it moves or they move  it while taking pictures to see if anything is unusual in the pelvic area. Again the only thing is the cold gel. Neither test hurts and nothing is inserted up anywhere. If something shows up abnormal you will have to have a pelvic exam by your Gyno. You must tell her about the pelvic pain. You probably only have cysts on your ovaries. The pelvic exam is embarrassing the first time and will be painful if you don&#039;t relax while it is being done. A woman Gyno has smaller fingers and it doesn&#039;t hurt as much as a man doing your first pelvic exam. Relax you will get through this just fine. REBECCA she is getting an ultra sound, not a sonogram and what you are describing is the pelvic EXAM not an ultra sound.

  3. Omg! I don&#039;t think you are gonna like this answer. They are probably going to put an ice cold speculum in there to hold you open while they put really long q tips in there and get a culture. Then the doc is going to put hes fingers in there and press a little on your pelvic area. Relax those muscles as much as possible cuz it will be very uncomfortable if you don&#039;t. I promise the doc finds no pleasure in this nor will he/she be disgusted. Just keep calm inside. Next the sonogram... They will put some gel on your tummy and just slide the sonogran &quot;thing&quot; all around till the tech gets all the info needed for a doc to diagnose and treat you. I honestly don&#039;t think you will need an internal sonogram device to be used, but just in case they do it internally, they won&#039;t put jelly on your belly. They will put a condom on this ultra sound device and go in through the v****a. I am sorry this all sounds so vulgar but I think this is how it will go. Good Luck and stay  relaxed.

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