
OHIP cover cataract eye surgery?

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I am only 26 with very bad eye vision loss. I went to a lasik consaultant and unfortunately i am not a canadaite due to how extreme my eye vision is so they refered me to a another option which is cataract eye surgury. I know OHIP cover cataract if you have cataract eye desease, but what if it was due to vision loss. I tried googling all over the place and i cant seem to find the answer.




  1. I would think that it would vary from case to case.

    If an opththalmologist considers it as a medical neccessity in your case, it would probably be covered.

    But if it is considered as elective surgery...only because you want it..then you may be out of luck.

    Your best bet I suggest would be to start with seeing an opthalmologist who does that, and get his opinion as to whether it is even advisable for you to begin with, and second, the severity of your visual loss  , which can make all the difference in how OHIP will consider it.

    I presume you are talking about a lens implant , because you don't have cataracts.

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