
OK, I am super worried...I just had a major accident with my ferret!!!!I need help...........?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my ferret had accidentally fell off her cage and she was limping, i felt her leg but I am not sure if it broken or not, she fell from a 4 foot drop.. and it was able to bend at the wrist on the front left (in which she was limpin on) i bent it but it doesnt feel right. and it is too late to take her to the vet, i just need some suggestions on if any one is a vet and they know?? Please help !!




  1. my sister is a vet well in vet school she said take to the vet ASAP!!!

  2. In general, ferrets are fairly springy, durable little guys. A 4 foot fall, off of a cage, while it could cause a sprain or something, is unlikely to have caused a break. I am not a vet, and am not there looking at the ferret, but based on what you have said, I would say that it is likely that the ferret just has some pain that will get better in a short while. I would advise watching the ferret closely for the night. If the ferret doesn't appear to be in too much pain, and there is no other obvious sign of a break, it is likely that the leg will be fine in the morning. If not, then yes, take it in to the vet to have it looked at. My ferrets have fallen, been stepped on, and other things that happen and cause a ferret owner to panic. However, I have never had a ferret that broke anything. Now, I did have a friend who killed their ferret when they stepped on it, so it can happen. But it is unlikely, unless the fall or accident is a fairly major one. Feel free to contact me if you need more info or just a reassuring bit of advice. For ferret questions, I will happily give out my ph#, if you e-mail me.

  3. Most vets have an after-hours emergency number - if your regular one doesn't, you can probably find one in the phone book that does.  If it's an emergency, it shouldn't matter that you're not a regular client.

  4. my little pomeranian broke his leg..twice..and i freaked out too..

    what the vet will something similar to what u can do at home..can you hld her down..or try to get her not to move..and warp her leg with like some cotten a few times around to kinda form a thick..durable make-shift cast? thats really all the vet will do..i mnea clerly with the right stuff..but it will help her form movnig it too much and makking it worse!

    hope she gets better

  5. I'm Young but ive studied animals for as long as i can remember. ok first but a warm rag on her leg and then a really cold one this will stop any swelling so then you need to wrap her paw something stiff. i really don't know what you have but maybe gauze and then band-aids on top(NOT ON HER FUR) and if she has a 2 story house make sure she cant be walking to much (up and down stairs) and put her to bed then in the morning take her straight to the vet!!!!!!!

    hope this helped (hannah)  

  6. There isn't much you can do in the mean time, keep her confined to a small are so she can't cause any further damage, and take her to the vet as soon as you can.

  7. Call your vet and ask, she/he'll know if its broken or not, because they know the symptoms.

    If it is broken, ask for an emergency appointment.

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