
OK, I feel a bit ashamed asking this, but can anyone tell me how to access the National Enquirer website?

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I want to know more about the John Edwards affair and read the National Enquirer at its best. The National Enquirer website seems to be always offline.




  1. what do you want to know he cheated on his wife broke his weading vows and fathered a child wow thats a big freaking deal oww and he lied to his wife and the whole country a big lying dog great example.But men cheat on their wives all the time they just lie when confronted on it and kiss and make up while he goes out and does it again and again.Dude we have real issues going on like people going over to iraq to keep us safe here.Not whose sticking it where and with whom.Grow up and read about people that matter like all the brave solidgers dying in iraq.

  2. It worked for me ok. Right now 10:40 a.m. EST.

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