
OK, I have a lot of content on my PC that I want to stream to my TV, do I need an expensive HTPc to do this?

by  |  earlier

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The thing is that my content (hd vids, music, .avi videos etc) is currently on my pc, and I want to watch it in my tv in my bedroom, with a little HTIB that I got recently. The thing is that I only need this, I dont want to record tv, get TV menus, or anything else. The only thing that I want to do is watch the videos from my pc in my TV in HD, and possibly get 5.1 sound since some videos have it. Do I need an expensive HTPC with expensive video cards, tv tuners and such? Which way is the cheapest to get this? Remember that Im a broke student... Thanks




  1. what kind of outputs do you have on the back of your pc. do you have any audio/video outs. if so you can run those right to the back of your tv. if not you can buy a relatively inexpensive upgrade at your local pc store and then you will have all that you need.

  2. I don't know the exact pricing, but D-Link was showing off some product at CES that does exactly what your talking about.  Check the link below and look at the various products to see which one best suits your needs.

  3. If you have a xbox 360 you can stream all videos pics and music through your router.  just use the media thing in the dashboard.  if you dont have a 360 but enjoy playin video games then get one and it'll be like gettin 2 things for 1.  also you can download/rent movies and tv shows with the 360 too thats what i do.

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