
OK, I know it sounds childish, you think he likes me?

by  |  earlier

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So there's this guy I like. Always nice, polite, etc. If I visit him, he texts later saying "it was nice seeing you today."


Anyway, he has an "honesty" box on his myspace page. So I wrote in it (purely casual, no confessions of love or anything). But I think I screwed it up because I was trying to use up all the characters lol because I thought that many characters was excessive. But then reading it over, it was so painfully obvious that I liked him, so I went back and wrote another note about how "I hope you don't think I'm making a pass at you, because I'm not! I'm not the soft, mushy type, sorry." But then I thought that was really cold, so I said "well maybe a little mushy, but that's not what this is, is what I'm trying to say. Not at all. SO not."

Ugh, but I already sent it to him so there's no going back. I wasn't drunk or anything, and he knows it was me (because I told him so). What should I do??? He didn't write back yet, and I'm really nervous.




  1. . .

    well theres nothing you can do now is there.

    i mean what do you want us to say ?

    "oh i feel so bad for you just do this and that"

    yeah no, you cant do anything, so your just going to have to wait for his reply

  2. Okae lets get this all over with.

    So you wrote him the msg and then you told him that it was you?

    First things first, you told him that you wrote it and that's why you're freaking out about it. Did you want him to know?

    I think that you should prolly have a talk with him. Don't make it a deep, emotional talk because then you'll scare him away and then things might become weird/awkward (trust me hun, i know). Ask him what he thought about the msg and if he doesn't exactly go with your flow then you shouldn't express the rest of your feelings. But, if he does like you back then i guess you should reveal the love little by little.

    And always remember this, if you do something that you think is foolish then don't make it seem like it. Play everything off the best that you can.

  3. It's hard to say if he likes you or not.  It is a good sign that he is attentive to you and polite when you correspond.  

    But I do think you just need to be honest.  Don't let opportunities pass you by.  He may reject you or he may like you too....but that's not the point.  The point is that you went for something you wanted.  You will never get what you want out of life if you are afraid to go for it....

    You will be very successful in life if you always do the thing that seems the hardest to this case, it's about telling someone your feelings.  Just do it!

  4. He knows you like him. You are being really obvious...first you write something very long to him, then you have to explain it, then you tell him it was you...

    Stop being so nervous! You're making it awkward. Just leave it alone! Play it cool! Just forget about it for a while. Let him make the next move. If his next move is flirty, then mention hanging out with him or something.

    But seriously, play it cool because it's VERY obvious that you like him. Or just tell him! Be mature about it.

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