
OK, I know what a Republican and a Democrat is, but I'd like to know what does "Liberal" and "Conservative"

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  1. well you're halfway there, Republican and Democrat are the US's two political parties.  The terms liberal and conservative define an individuals political position.  

    To really over-simplify it; Republican=conservative and Democrate=Liberal .

    You can also call conservatives "the right" and democrats "the left"...this actually comes from England forever ago when members of Parliament who wanted to maintain the status quo sat to the right of the speaker, and those who wanted to change this certain law, sat on the left.  

    And still today, the right refers generally to a reluctance to change, maintaining strong traditions....while the left takes a more "modern" view of, g*y rights....

  2. Here's a non-bias answer.

    Liberal: lots of involved government (welfare, etc.) but little involvement in moral decisions

    Conservative: less government, but more involvement in moral decisions

  3. Like someone else here was referring to, there are "Liberal" and "Conservative" parties in different countries around the world, but in the US typically whether someone is considered a liberal or conservative depends on these issues:

    Abortion: Liberals support it, Conservatives oppose it

    g*y Marriage: liberals support, conservatives oppose

    Liberals typically want stricter gun laws, conservatives don't

    That's a very simplistic explantion, but it's generally what people judge one's political beliefs by in the US

  4. They're all political parties (I'm guessing you already know that).

    Liberals are more popular in Australia...

  5. Liberal is more on the democrat side & conservative is more for the republicans. Libs are more open to different things & ideas & conservatives are more for things like businesses & not as open to change as much.

  6. they are not political parties but adjectives that can be used to describe either individuals or polital parties

    conservative- resists change, embraces the status quo, followes tradition(republicans are for the most part the current conservative political party)

    liberal- encourages change, questions tradition, not comfortable with the status quo(democrats are for the most part the current liberal plitical party)

    paries can change also. at one time(civil war reconstruction era for example). the republicans were the liberals and democrats were conservative. that has since reversed.

  7. liberal

    non possessive sexually, non inhibited

    for compassion and ideals over logic

    without judgment of others differences

    cons believe

    in family construct with strict s*x guidlines

    personal responsibilty

    believe they know what is best

    logic first, money first

    they need a church to tell them they are going to heaven

  8. It seems as if the republican and the democratic parties have both changed their ways so much in the last few years that people rarely use the names of the parties much to describe their positions politically.  

    I consider myself to be a democrat because my issues are based on things that relate to the economy, trade issues, globalization, regulations on commerce, etc.  

    The liberal and conservative descriptions come into play more when discussing social issues, the war, and the attempts at enforcing morals through laws.  Conservatives are supposed to be more fiscally conservative and liberals big spenders  The opposite has actually proven to be the case.

  9. To better understand you may want to check out:

    It is a forum where the two sides debate and will give you a better idea of their ideals.

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