
OK, Im going to italy in late august. can anybody post some italian phrases on here and convert them to?

by  |  earlier

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engilish? that would be great.




  1. The list of phrases could be endless. Anyway, let's post some of the basic ones:

    Come stai? = How are you? (talking to a friend)

    Come sta? = How are you? (talking to someone older or that you don't know)

    Come ti chiami? = What's your name?

    Mi chiamo .... = My name is ....

    Che ore sono? = What time is it?

    Che tempo fa? = What's the weather like?

    Dov'é la stazione? = Where is the station?

    Vorrei una birra = I would like a beer

    Ho fame = I am hungry

    Ho sete = I am thirsty

    Vorrei visitare il Duomo = I would like to visit the Dome

    Se hai una qualsiasi richiesta specifica, scrivila. Sarò lieto di essere d'aiuto = If you have any specif request, pls post it. I'll be glad to be of help.

  2. quanto sei figa = d**n girl u looks fine.

  3. Try going to I loved that when I was beginning Italian!

  4. Sorry I don't speak engilish

  5. The best thing to do is figure out what you want to say and go to You can translate as many things as you want for free. Some of it may be a little off, but for the most part it's pretty good. I'm in Italy right now, and I speak very little Italian. If you're going to major cities, you will be able to get by on very little Italian. However, it's a great idea to know your please and thank you's and how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good night.

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