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1. I'm 13 people say i look 21 !!

i'm tall not stick thin have long black hair with extensions which i usually have poker straight & people say i look way older than i am ,

usually 19-21 i dont mind to be honest i love the attention! ( who wouldnt?) i'm not stuk up by the way, but the problem is my sister is 15 & people are like NO WAYY IS SHE OLDER THAN U!!

Coz in my opinion she luks about 13 .. but people make like a big scene over it!

and i'm just there like feelin sorry for her.

i dont mind people sayin i luk 20 or whatever, its just people making my sister luk like "this big" coz i luk older than Her :|

2. Older men are always Coming onto me!!

its reaaaaaaaaaaallly embarassin :|

am not some big s**t !

its them!








  1. You might want  to dress a little younger... and stop with the makeup.. .your just 13 ... you don't have wrinkles and your skin doesn't need a glow...and you don't have bags under your eye.... just be a kid...  

  2. Uhm, wow.

    I saw a girl like that yesterday @ the mall with my sister. She was like, 4'11" but was wears these platform heels, so she grew like, at least 5 inches. She had dark brown/black hair that was pin straight, and has glasses.

    That wasn't you, right ?

    Haha, probably not. : ]


    just "dress younger".

    Like, wear hello kitty, or something.

    I saw an episode of Tyra Banks, and some 13 year old looked like she was 20 too.

    I'm pretty sure it was the "how old do I look" episode.

    Good luck ? : ]

  3. its a little hard to understand what your problem is i think you have more than your posting are you saying that you think you look too old for your age or what? you are who you are and no one knows any more than any one Else or are you saying that your older look are causing older men to come on to you if that's the case don't be flattered be scared we call them perverts here in chattanooga  be happy to talk to you and can help but you need to speak your true feelings  

  4. It's not gonna be cool when you are 23 and look like you look 31...or when you are 33 and look 41. Not such a great thing.  

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