
OK, easy question; why is it called a "liberal" form of government?

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Many people don't even know the party they relate themselves to. I just want people to know when they vote away their freedoms.




  1. well liberal in a classic definition and the definition in a political sense today have taken much more of an extreme and deviated meaning

    Its supposed to mean to promote civil liberties but has come to be more of a anti traditional/family/religious values, anything goes, unrestricted do what you want type of a philosophical or idealogical meaning.

  2. It is sad to watch America slip into a sad corporate police state neocon hellhole.

  3. Liberal "is" "for" "Change" (Not always good change, Obama Bad Change. That is not Racism).  

  4. in canada our main parties are liberals and conservative. clever huh?

  5. Liberal means it is less fitting to the constitution. Generally liberals believe that the constitution should be updated as time passes, to fit that era. Could also add that the liberal party favors bigger government.

    Conservative means sticking to the constitution, that no matter how much time progresses our founding fathers wrote this document for a reason and we should always keep it as close to it is as possible. Conservative party favors small government.

    Do I get a gold star? :]

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