
OK, once and for all, toilet seats: up or down?

by  |  earlier

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I live with my husband and two boys, and more often than not, the toilet seat is left up. My husband says it's supposed to be up, I say it's supposed to be down, because I live there too. He says, "Do you want to sit on a wet seat?" I say, "You can't aim well?" He says, "It's not about the aim, it's about the dribble." I say, "Clean it up." What do you say?




  1. definatly down!

    they can lift it up for themselfs of just learn to aim and if theres dribble then they shud wipe it , it wud b exactly the same if he was a girl

  2. i say it don't matter if your going to leave it down then put it allthe way down so you have to lift up to pee to! that's fair for everyone!

    but i don't see what the big deal is just check it when you go pee

    i do see you being out numbered here so good luck!

    but really it don't matter ladies hands are not broke to lift up the seat so just close the hole thing all the time!

    may friend does or her dog will drink out of it! LOL

  3. More men then women in the home?, leave it up and clean more.

  4. Do they also leave kitchen cabinets, dresser drawers, and the back door wide open?  Things have lids for a reason.  They should be used.  At our house, not only is the seat down, but the lid is closed after use as well.

  5. Close the lid for hygiene, for God's sake please!

  6. leave it up ,its easier that way

  7. It's just as annoying having to put the seat up all the time you know.

  8. go and buy a duel purpose one its the on that has a gap at [looking down on seat ]     .6 o clock the gap is between 4 and 8 o clock that sorted all the argument's out in my house ,

  9. Three men. One woman.

    Call it Arithmetic. Call it Democracy. Call it Demographics.

    Unless you are disabled, the seat stays up.

  10. lol, you are totally right. its like mean need a mile of space to just aim in the water. i dont get it. the whole is big enough to squirt and if it does drip, just clean it up! its not fair to you.

  11. They need to close the lid.  After I fell in for the THIRD time after I got married, woke hubby up at 2am screaming, it now gets closed.  If boys cannot close the lid when they are finished, they can start sitting as well.  This way there is no dribble excuse!

    Good luck!

  12. well very good question....i have evolved over time.  When i live with my parents and had my own bathroom, the lid ALWAYS stayed up.  When i got married the seat, but not lid stayed down.  Now that we have a 15 month old son that thinks its funny to play in the water, we have the lid down.  Our next step is to bolt the dang seat down so he doesnt get into it.  That is my take on the toilet seat.

  13. Lift it up when you use it and put it back down as soon as you are done. This is the way it is and the way it always will be.

  14. I think it should depend on how many women compared to men there are.  If you're in a houseful of men, then to them, the seat being down could be more of an inconvenience.  Most women don't seem to consider that.

    I've lived in shared houses where the majority were men and it has never ever worried me, the toilet seat thing.  You just learn to look before you sit down.

  15. Ok, let's approach this logically.

    Girls need the seat down all the time. That's two.

    Boys need the seat down half the time. That's one.

    That's makes it 3 to 1 for down.

    Down has the majority.

  16. Close the lid for all.

    But if this is a problem, put the seat down if you need to and we will raise it if we need to.  It's really not complicated.

  17. SEAT UP!  And on the dribble question: have you ever watched a hose in sunlight?  You can aim it perfectly but droplets fly in different directions.

    If it is left up, everyone can enjoy a clean seat by putting it down when required and returning it to the up position when finished using it.

  18. Unfortunately, this is a question without resolve. For there are many arguments one should consider:

    1. There are 3 males compared to only 1 female. Why should they accommodate you?

    2. You are the wife & mother. They should accommodate you simply for the fact you gave your sons life and for putting up with your husband.

    3. Is your arm broken? You can just as easily put the seat down as they can.

    4. Since you do all your business with the seat down, and they do it with the seat up maybe 3/4 of the time, they can close it for you.

    As you can see, there's no definitive answer. Personally (although this won't help my masculinity) I usually sit down for everything (only at home), just because it's cleaner and I don't have to remember to close anything, plus I can get some good thinking done. I close the lid before flushing mainly because I watched something on TV about what kind of germs get splattered around after flushing, especially if you have toothbrushes nearby.

    Edit: Molly has a somewhat valid point but her logic is misguided. Your boys & hubby probably aren't peein' & poopin' the same amount of times everyday. For this argument to be substantiated you would need to keep a record of each bathroom activity for each person, then divide that by...........ah, h**l, just tell 'em to close the seat because you're the one in charge!

  19. Seat and Lid down :)

  20. Guys need it up, girls need it down. I say compromise. He'll put it back down when he is done, and you'll put it back up when you're done. If you can't do the latter, exactly why should he have to do the former?

  21. I am assuming you are American. In Italy there is no toliet seat. Women learn to do it standing up.

    I say clean it up.

  22. DOWN  - DOWN  - DOWN  !!!  :)

  23. Just put the seat down when you need to go.  Are you going to trust that a dribble has been cleaned up if it lands on the seat?  That is gross.  Some public restrooms leave the seats up in the ladies room for cleaning, do you rant at them?

    Get over yourself and stop fighting over mundane things.  When you taught your boys how to use the toilet, did you tell them to raise the lid to pee?  Did you tell them to put it back down when they were done?  Probably not.

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