
OK, seriously unsure.?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having a few pregnancy symptoms, I thought i was pregnant and so i went and took 2 pregnancy tests. Both came out negative. I got my period that day later on in the day, I bled really lightly for a few days and then it stopped. The following week, i got my period again I bled for 3 days lightly and it stopped. I'm still bloated, nauseous, dizzy, and constipated at times. I really don't know what this is. Is it possible that I could still be pregnant after 2 negative tests and bleeding?




  1. I'd go to a doctor and get a blood test done. its more reliable than home ones and if its negative you should discuss some of the reasons you're periods out of wack.

  2. You might be! Go to the doctor and have your Hcg levels checked.

  3. do a blood test and check. i know some one who was spotting for 4months and did't realize till then that she was pregnant.
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