
OK, so Megan has proved to be the smartest girl in the house. Silly Toastee booted 12-Pack?

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Did that dub chick realize it didn't matter who she booted? The ditz alliance isn't the strongest alliance, but they are the biggest. If she would've bounced Whiteboy, it would've meant only Hoopz & Real were the only ones left in that alliance. Last time I checked 4 > 2. Silly rabbit. Trix are for kids.




  1. Megan is really manipulative, I will admit. Yet, she uses it to her advantage. She can have anyone in that house convinced that her way is the right way every single time. Toastee is a follower too much at times..she can seem to never really think for herself and is really easily persuaded..but when $250,000 is on the line..who knows what will happen?..oh well..i'm really excited to see what will happen next.

  2.  Maniuplative...yes.  She really surprised me last night.  She can wrap people around her finger.  I hope Toastee goes and the Entertainer.  I cant stand those two for much longer.

  3. haha yeah tostee is g*y but oh wells you gotta do what you think is best for you in the end to win 50,000 dollers yo.

  4. megan is getting these girls and they don't even see it come on now toastee had the chance to send reel home but she got destiny gone and than white boy but no she sends 12pack  Megan is so controlling this **** and these girls are dumb i won't be surprised if megan is at the end!

  5. Megan is good at being a manipulator, thing is the lot she's dealing with are just too dumb to see what she's about, but l don't care, l'd love for someone in the Stallionaire's alliance to win. And if Megan can continue shifting the focus as she is doing successfully, then all l can say is go Megan!

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