
OK, so what's the speed of dark?

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?




  1. Darkness is the absence of light and thus has no speed.

  2. Dark matter travels at the same rate as visual matter. A black hole for instance travels at the velocity of the galaxy it resides in.

    Darkness does not travel (to our knowledge) and is simply empty space void of visual matter/energy.

    This being said our entire universe could be traveling through some other medium which would then be the speed of dark.

  3. universe is filled of darkness so dark doesn't move at all... get it?;...

  4. infinity and beyond

  5. There is no such thing as a 'speed of dark!'

  6. Ok, we have had all the serious answers. The correct answer has been given by Mr Terry Pratchett.

    I cant be bothered* to search for the page references but T.P.'s argument goes like this:

    No matter how fast the speed of light is, the speed of dark must be faster because the dark always gets there first.

    So, Quod Erat Demonstrandum

    * and am not sufficiently geeky

  7. By 'darkness' is meant the absence of light. Thus it is meaningless to ask: 'what is the speed of darkness' for you are asking to measure the speed of something that isn't there!  You might just as well ask for the speed of silence!  

  8. Judging by the 100m men's final, I'd say faster than the speed of "light".  Black men go faster.  (groans)

    Now to answer your question seriously. Dark can only be defined as the absence of light. Dark doesn't travel and is therefore immobile.  

  9. There is no dark. There is light, or there is no light.

  10. it 'travels' the same speed as light...

    dark is the abscence of light... dark follows just behind the end of light... there fore it moves at the same speed.

    although darkness isn't a force like gravity and light, so it has no real velocity... as i said, it's just the abscense of light.

    "maybe the speed of light is desame with the speed of dark or it depends on the surrounding's because when the light is far it takes 5sec i guess to become the room light or the earth but when the light is near it take milisec i guess again! "

    light's speed never changes.. neither does it's percieved speed... you could be flying at near-light speed towards a flash of light and you will pass through the flash at the exact same second in time you would have if you had been running in the other direction... (time is what changes... it's an amazing revelation, but it's true and we have already proved this phenomenon...)

  11. maybe the speed of light is desame with the speed of dark or it depends on the surrounding's because when the light is far it takes 5sec i guess to become the room light or the earth but when the light is near it take milisec i guess again!  

  12. according to the law of physics,light has maximum speed . darkness is the opposite of light .

    so, if darkness has speed , it's speed is insignificant , so it can not be measured .  

  13. That's a GOOD question!  The speed of dark is the speed of the absence of LIGHT!   Ha.    :)

  14. good question does the speed of light deaccelerate when it getts dark?

    ps see chi guy knows this.

  15. i had a dark coloured van and it did 85 mph

  16. Dark is a privative i.e. it is something we think exists but is not a real thing.  Dark is the absence of light but is not a thing in its own right.  Heat exists, cold is a privative as it is the absence of heat.  

    When we close the curtains at night to keep the dark and cold out we are in fact keeping the heat and light in!

  17. Dark is when there is no light, like cold is when there is no heat

    It doesn't really exist

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