
OK, this is probably hopeless but i need help trying to find a fish?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so im thinking about doing a 30gal tropical tnak with black background, black cave (made by me outta special aquarium Epoxy and aquarium accent stones) tons of live plants (n ot sure what types yet. ill ask a Q? later on here about that=]) and black gravel.

i want to stock it with:

-10 Emperor tetras

-4 Platys (the red bodied, black finned ones)

-5 or 6 Dwarf Wag Platys (lil orange fishys ^^)

i want a pure black fish tha is compatibl with these fish, can fit in a tank of 30gal and is about 3 inches long=] pics of any possible fish or a site were i can order them is apreciated!

OH, i was thinking mollies but theyre brackish so nope, not gonna happen! =]

Oh, and do my starter numbers sound good? if the tnak looks bare (wich it prob will) i will add ore fish like 1 or 2 at a time=] TY!




  1. I know that the red tailed shark in not completely black but it is compatible with the other fish and it will not out grow the tank.

    Good Luck

  2. The only fish I could think of would be a betta. They come in just about any color you would want. The pure black bettas (I would suggest a male since they are prettier) are very hard to find in petstores so you could get it from a breeder in your home town or order it off the internet. Many people say male bettas should not be with other fish but I have had many male bettas in my community tank and never hurt another fish in the tank. Just make sure to not put two males bettas in the same tank as they will fight. Good luck with your fish, hope I helped!

    Betta pics... (Also known as Simese Fighting Fish) (female) (male) (male)

  3. Although mollies are naturally brackish water fish most species you can buy today at the chain pet stores and Local fish store are already acclimated to fresh water. And if tank bred might be the only thing they have ever known. It is also not unhealthy for them to live in freshwater, and they can actually thrive in freshwater. I keep my mollies in freshwater and they are healthy and happy. However, if you do decide to keep the mollies I suggest that you add freshwater aquarium salt in the amount of 1 Tablespoon to every 5 gallons. This amount of salt is actually recommended for all species of freshwater fish. It will also be a really healthy amount for your mollies too.

    If you are still against keeping mollies you could look at threadfin rainbowfish because they can come in black varieties. Also Black Angels could be a good addition, but remember angelfish are no angels and can actually be quite aggressive. Black Skirt Tetras are also a good idea.

    Some other options that may not be black but still look cool would be x-ray tetras, glass catfish, and glass fish.

    I use this website for all of these fish except glass fish and that is Dr. Smiths and Foster's site.

  4. Mollies are not brackish, there wild cousins are, but inbred mollies sold in pet stores are kept in freshwater, just add some live bearer salt and they will be fine. Also, platys need live bearer salt and it is best to have a ratio of 1 male for every 2 females with any live bearer so the females catch a break from males constantly wanting to mate!

  5. Pterophyllum sp. is an all black angel fish that is a very beautiful fish and you can order it from this sight liveaquaria is very professional and thats were I go for all my supplies

    good luck

  6. ok there is The black ghost knifefish, but that can get pretty big and outgrow you tank,

    and then theres the black skirt tetra, but it has some silver in it

    and theres the Black Shark , which will end up out growing your tnak but could be in there for a while,

    there is also the black angel fish,

    which should be ok in a 30 gallon

    thats all that i can think of off the top of my head, i hope i helped

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