
OK,ladies,here's a curve-ball question?

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Would U rather date a poor,white redneck whom was poor,but still cool,strong,tough with a 1996 GMC pick-up truck, or a sweet innocent ,lower middle income, nice guy librarian or teacher who has no friends,drives a bike to work,no average guy would hang out with him,because he's not cool or man enough?




  1. How about a 101 year old billionaire with one foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel?

  2. there is not enough info here to decide but I guess I would go with whomever displayed enough ambition to change his circumstances for the better.

  3. I like COOL, must have Cool, but can't stand stupid.  You left out stupid.. Which one is good-looking and smart, AND cool?

  4. Oddly enough I've dated both types.

  5. Pick-up trucks are not cool, unless you're a fellow redneck. I'd pick the librarian/teacher with the bicycle. I'll drive for our dates.

  6. the librarian...

    he honestly IS cooler to me.

  7. No curve ball here - I pick the teacher or librarian.  I guess you just don't know enough of either or you would know that they definitely have friends and they are definitely cool otherwise they would not be riding a bike anywhere.

  8. Well, I would never date a red-neck so I guess I'd have to go for the teacher. Actually my husband is a teacher and he was sweet and innocent and he was a really nice guy. He also didn't have a car and he didn't have many friends either. I like security so I liked that he had a good enough job. But hey everyone has different tastes.

  9. I'm really not sure. Based on your description I might be slightly more inclined to go for the teacher/librarian, but not by much.

  10. I would date the librarian because unlike the redneck I can be seen in public with him. Rednecks are just kinda gross.

    And I wouldn't date the teacher because he doesn't seem to have much of a social life. If he didn't have a lot of friends he wouldn't get out the house much and then whenever I tried to go out with friends he would become jealous and he would have to know where I'm going and who I'm with and I can't take that everyday.

    I feel that the teacher is a better fit because even though he doesn't make a lot of money he's still a good guy and I might have a good job so we will be on firm ground financially.

    But definitely not a redneck\.

  11. DEFINITELY the lower middle income sweet innocent librarian guy. I don't prefer guys who are strong and cool. I'm strong and cool enough, it's all good. Hahah

  12. The librarian.  I don't do redneck.

  13. Definitely the redneck, he sounds much more exciting.  Sweet innocence is not a quality I find at all appealing in men.

  14. I like the lower middle income, nice librarian.

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