
OK... I apparently need a filter & heater for a 2.5 gallon tank for my Beta fish... what is recommended?

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Also... I just put him in this today & don't have it on there yet... will he be ok for a little while without it? I know nothing about fish.




  1. He'll be fine. I have mine in the same size tank with no filter and heater. Betas actually need very can keep them in just a teeny little fishbowl if you want. They're very hardy fish.  

  2. I disagree.....

    If he is in a room with fairly stable temperature he's fine...

    They like 78-80 but will tolerate a little lower.

    A filters job can be replaced with 25% water changes weekly easily

    just never over feed and fore go gravel if possible as debris gets stuck in it and it makes it harder for you to keep a clean bowl. If you use gravel just a small bit to cover the bottom.

    These fish love calm water...a filter in that bowl would be to disruptive.

    A tiny heating pad maybe if the room really swings in temp like 70-80 everyday.

    If not just role with what you have and mix up his food for variety

    good luck!!!!

  3. Yes, he'll be quite alright for awhile without a heater. Many people keep bettas in just bowls without heating, which I think is wrong, but they cans till live for years like that. However, you betta will be much happier with one! :)

  4. You dont need a filter. But depending on the temp of ur house you might need one. IF you keep your house between 70 and 80 year-round then you wont need one. I had a betta for four years with out either, and i lived in colorado and california. Now my brother has one and hes fine.  GOOD LUCK!

  5. I have had my beta fish for almost 2 years and he lives in a plain old bowl without a heater or a filter. The only time when the water got too cold was in the middle of winter when we were not there and my neighbor was feeding it. As long as your there in the winter with the heat on in the house, it should be fine. Hope this helps!!

  6. think about it this way. would you rather live in a mudbrick and straw house and either hunt or cultivate all of your own food, or like in a large apartment downtown with heat and AC and electricity and a supermarket?

    sure, a betta can SURVIVE in a bowl, but itll be miserable. in the same way that you would survive for a while in a mudbrick hut.

    get a 5g tank with a heater and filter. think about how cruel it is to the fish!

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