
OK NASCAR NATION......? (thanks)?

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POLL;What are you looking forward to at the Auto Club Speedway?

Alright since school is around the corner for me, I'm gonna be on less and my head will be buried in books studying like crazy! I would like to thank you each for allowing me to add my knowledge to this forum.

I enjoyed every single minute talking and sharing thoughts with all of you guys! And Tom G for starting the Honoring Questions. Just downright a class act. Great Job Tom.

All of you guys are the best and couldn't trade it in for anything. So thank you guys! You always left a smile on my face. My Dale Earnhardt Inc spirit lives on cause Truex and Menard will win this season!

Take Care Guys and have a Awesome day!!

I leave you with this:




  1. I'm looking forward to them leaving that boring track and getting to Richmond where Joey Logano will make his debut, and there will be some action on the track and some real racing will happen. Auto Club Speedway is the worst track on the circuit. The best thing they could do is tear up the track and reconfigure it as a plate track. Then they might deserve a second date.

  2. Looking forward to a great race out here in Calif, I just hope the weather holds out and doesn't give us another sweat fest its was 110 degrees last yr.. Roush-Fenway does great out here and so does Jimmie Johnson. Carl Edwards is on a mission now, its basically a 2 man chase.. Study hard, crack those books, you need a education. I'm sure next yr your DEI team will rebound...

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  3. Hopefully we'll see a race, not a follow-the-leader fuel mileage pit strategy race. Which it will be.

    I'm a fifty year NASCAR fan, slowly being bored to death. This COT is almost the final blow. Why don't they just go to IROC cars? Then I know I'll be back following NHRA, AHRA and IHRA. They are competitive.

  4. Im loooking forward to the race in general. I think its going to be good.

    Good luck this year in school this year Straightedge. Your a great kid with a great future ahead of you. You are a smart young man. I wish you the best and good luck to DEI the rest of the year and holler back at us during holidays and stuff. Be cool! Im gonna miss ya!

  5. Do good in school. Your health and education will take you the farthest in life. If you have to pick a sport, keep up with the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, and make sure you keep coming back here, to share your opinions.  

  6. Yeah, same here. School starts September 2nd for sophomore year in High School. I guess I should also take the chance to say "goodbye".. well, somewhat. I doubt I'll be on here very much. I'll drop by once in a while, but obviously my presence here won't be as great. You guys are ALL amazing, and you're all great people in my book.

    You're all welcome to shoot me a message anytime. I PROMISE I will reply back.

    Best of luck, Straightedge!! Keep it real, man.

  7. im a little late, but I sure did enjoy the race!  I was looking forward to a good, safe race and that is what I got.

    Have a great time in school.  I look forward to seeing you here in between homework papers.


  8. I am really looking forward to the race simply because i look forward to every race.

    Mike I am sorry I didn't get here to see this until now.  I was at a vintage car show practically all day and it was sooo cool!!

    Anyway...I wish you the best....keep your nose into those books because no one can go anywhere without that diploma!!  Have fun there isn't ALL work. I loved my highschool years.  Anyway...I certainly will miss you around here. You are such a good kid! Stop in from time to time in the evenings (but get homework done first) :0)                                            gee now I am kinda feeling sad.

  9. I am looking forward to Kyle Busch winning in order to shut these Jr. fans who have suddenly became Edwards fans up and realize that no one will beat Kyle for the championship--noteven Tony Stewart

  10. well maybe kyle and carl will wreck each other on the 1st lap

    and dei and hms can race it out

    be cool kid

  11. I am looking forward to the race!

    Yeah, school is right around the corner for me too. I won't be able to be on here that long anymore either (I'm sure that makes a few of you happy)

    Truex will probably win a race this season. Not sure about Menard. You're a real good guy and it's been real!  

  12. I'm most looking foward to the Chase implications. Thank YOU for being a part of Nascar Nation. You are the reason I find myself pulling for the DEI boys every week. Sorry abot last night, that was unfortunate his tire blew. Good luck in school and I'll talk to you in the afternoons.

  13. I'm looking forward to the race!

    You are a great kid and good luck in school this year! You're education should come first but come back on here in you're spare time!

  14. You are a great answerer on here. We will miss having you around. Good luck in school!

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