
OK PPL BIG "Q" <span title="HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest61826  |  earlier

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wat is your best quality? r ur eyes hazel? or u have a good personality? or your taste in music?




  1. wow watta big Q lol

    anywayz i dunno wat mi best quality is,

    mi eyes are greenish blue, nd yeah i have a nice personality nd mi taste of music is pretty gd, like listenin to R&amp;B nd hiphop,some rock, nd arabic

  2. big question? wtf. you wasted 5 points for that?

  3. I have dark brown eyes, personality? hmm, pretty good. I like all type of music, the main thing the music sounds good to my ears :]

  4. my best quality i would say isss my eyes because the ARE hazel :]

  5. My ability to ignore stupid questions. Doh. Back to the drawing board. My other two are a good memory and and and and and and repetitiveness


  6. I would have to say that its that I&#039;m so caring

  7. ok, not that deep of a question but . . .

    i think i have pretty eyes and hopefully and nice personality!

  8. making people smile

  9. my eyes are blue

    i have a great personality, i dont like selfish, ignorant people :D

    and my taste in music is fantastic soooo im just a &#039;quality&#039; person i suppose :P LOL

  10. my best quality would be that i can...... wait.... mmmmmmm ok never mind i dont have one, i like my personality though, i tink its nice

  11. I try to be a good person

    Eyes are blue

    Yep, I think so...

    Middle of the road... prefer classic rock

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