
OK Peeps who is this Polin lady?

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And do you think McCain is making a big mistake or a smart political move?




  1. Her name is Palin, not Polin and she is the next VP of the USA and the right person for the job.

  2. If Sarah Palin "represents motherhood," then maybe Sigmund Freud was right.

  3. Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska.

    Some say she has no experience, but being Governor gives her more experience than Obama, who is a Senator who is barely there and rarely votes.

    Personally,I would rather see the person with no experience as VP, not president.

  4. HaHaHaHa,,  ok, who did he really pick?

  5. Smart is only adjective I can think of.  The democrats and in particular Obama left a disaffected base of women.  McCain swoops in with a pick that not only meets his Republican - Conservative base, but picks up 20% - 50% of women Democrat - Hillary voters.  I thought this election was going to be close, but I am now saying McCain will have over 300 Electoral votes and carry Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota & New Hampshire - which voted Dem last time and keep Colorado,Virginia & Nevada.  Iowa might even flip back to McCain.

    Smart man, Smart Politics.

  6. McCain just handed Obama the election by not picking Mitt Romney...

    Don't worry, this lady is a NOBODY and will continue to be a nobody after McCain loses.

    2 years of being Governor

    And being mayor of 7,000 people

    LOL...7,000 my city has 15x more people than that.

    What a joke.

    She's a hot nobody, i'll give her that

  7. I'd say it was pretty smart.

    Evangelical Christians have taken issue with McCain for being too "liberal" or too much of a "centrist."  Sarah Palin, being a social conservative, balances out the ticket.

    Having been mayor of a city for several years, and then serving two years as governor, Governor Palin has more experience than Obama.

    Obama has been touting "change" as his platform, but chose an insider (Biden).  Sarah Palin is a refreshing choice, because she hasn't spent too much time, if any, on Capitol Hill.

    And then we've got the fact that many have accused McCain supporters as being racist/sexist because we didn't want to vote for Obama or Clinton.  Choosing a woman as his running-mate has decimated that argument.

    I have some doubts about her conservative beliefs; she may be a little TOO conservative for me.  I also have some doubts about her experience.  But overall?  I'm pretty happy with his choice.

  8. Palin is a VERY popular governor of Alaska.  It was a GREAT choice!  

  9. First of all, it's Palin.

    Read about her here...

    I think it is a brilliant move and she is a good choice.

  10. She drinks McCain's manly essence.

  11. Who is she?!!  Have you had your tv and radio off?  

    From what I have heard from the media, she is a social conservative, i.e., she is pro-life (She just gave birth to a baby in April who had Downs Syndrome and refused to have an abortion.), a member of the NRA, likes to hunt, is married, raising 5 kids, ....even likes to go out on a boat with her husband, who is a commercial fisherman.  However, at the same time she has taken on Big Oil, fought corruption in government in Alaska, and basically through out the "Good Ol' Boys"  establishment.

    McCain is making a gutsy move, picking a maverick just like him.  But it is a very, well planned move, making the announcement that day after "the messiah" gave his acceptance speech in front of his "Roman Temple."  Have you notice who is getting the most attention in the news today.

  12. Palin is a Great choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence

    * has actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama & Biden have been leading NO one!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


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