
OK So what Really Happens When You Cant Pay For Food At A Restaurant?

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So ive been wondering....You get to your favortie resturant eat up eat up and then bam your no money car wont start so you cant go home to get any money, credit cards arent getting accepted and your on vacation too you cant just call friends of family over to bring you any money and there isnt a bank in sight.....So what happens when you are in a resturant and cannot pay for your food never figured it out since the wash the dishes story




  1. You have to find a way to get the money.  I know that there have been times at my work where we have had people leave their kids there with a waitress while they went to the bank so that we could make sure that they wouldn't dine and dash.

  2. Some restaurants hang you from the ceiling fans while other irate customers use you as a pinata!

  3. They will put you in the kitchen washing dishes.=)

  4. More than likely, the cops are called. Where I work, if you don't have money, and you live locally, then my boss will get drivers license number, addy, phone numbers, your car plate number.

    We have had people walk out. One time, the idiot was well known for being in trouble. My boss called the cops, and they arrested him.

    Very seldom do people get away with it. We used to have a homeless man come in, and after about a week, my boss called the cops, because he couldn't pay. One meal is one thing, but 5 meals are another!

  5. probably go to jail and have someone bring the money!! not sure sorry=[

  6. I think it depends on the management, I use to work in a restaurant and a gentlman did't have any money. He deposited his check in the bank and it hadn't yet cleared by the time he used his check card and his credit card was denied so the manager made him sign an I.O.U with his name and phone number on it stating that he would return the next day with the money. Unfortunately, he never came back.

  7. Always check your money first.

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