
OK!! What do you think of my very first violation notice on a question I just asked but got deleted unfairly?

by  |  earlier

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Whoever did that, I would like to say this to you....what goes around ALWAYS comes around....kejam!!!




  1. what was the question

  2. that godamn yahoo did that..... d**n that yahooo!!!!!

  3. why is this happening.. omigod..ask again la winterlotus.

  4. I feel you!

    I pun kena before.

  5. It happens a lot. People are babies. I said GWB sucked in one answer & that's BS b.c it's true LOL.

  6. The world isn't perfectly round...

    "dont worry, be happy"

    "quaila bu quaila, quaila quaila quaila"

  7. Protest the notice but don't expect you'll win. You're new here. You will be receiving maybe one a month if you're 'normal' - get used to it!

    Follow the rules or learn how to bend them and pray!


  8. Sorry to hear. :-(

    But hey, welcome to the club! :-)

  9. quit whining and get real.

  10. I'm reporting you!!! and you too Queen Amadila!!!

    Just kidding! I know what you mean...I had that happen to me too....

  11. I think you had violated the YA rules. Some time YA will give you violation notices if their system screed your questions.

  12. this is common man..

    gindy got 76 violations.. ahhahaha..

    once u get a lot of violations, get ready to change ur name.

    im serious

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