
OK about attaching english stirrups. Shoud the buckle be toward the horse or facing out toward the flap?

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OK about attaching english stirrups. Shoud the buckle be toward the horse or facing out toward the flap?




  1. Facing the flap.

  2. facing toward the flappppp

  3. The buckle should be facing the flap. So when your on the horse you can pull the strap down and re adjust it, some pictures on or google could help

    Good luck

  4. facing out that way if someone else uses your saddle and adjusts the iron lengths you can just litteraly pick up the leather and change it while mounted. I've had to do it nearly a dozen times

  5. facing the flap

  6. The buckles on stirrup leathers need to face OUT, or you will never be able to adjust your stirrups up or down.

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