
OK bikers UNITE !!?

by  |  earlier

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If you had to give some good tips for riding safe, what would it be? What to wear, riding in rain, emergency stopping, what part of the lane to ride in on 2 lane or 4 lane hwys?, what would be your top tips





  2. Always anticipate the worst. Like expect that the car doesn't see you and is about to pull into your lane. Expect that the car ahead of you is going to slam on brakes. Always be ready!

    I see guys riding 6 inches off a car's rear bumper. Real dumb!

  3. Wear reflective clothing at night

    Wear full gear ( I wear a back protector and chest protector )

  4. #1. Make sure the cagers SEE you! Don't ride in their blind spots. If riding alone, stay in the center of your lane, it helps prevent them wanting to move into your lane. When pacing a car, I try to come alongside the driver and move just forward of the side window so he can see me. If someone is tailgating you and you don't want to increase your speed, just slow down a little.. It usually encourages the driver to pass you.

  5. always disguise your bike when you park it so joeb wont kick it over, spit on your boots & knock your teeth out when you come back to it.

  6. Ride like you're invisible.
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