
OK guys dont let me down I need you !! Advise comments, I'll take what I can get?

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I had a friend of 16 years totally do me dirty and I'm so heated I wanna knock on her door at sock her in the grill !!

My now ex friend Sofia (keep in mind none of our friends or acquaintances knew we were just friends, everyone else thinks we are/were sisters. She lived in No. Cal I lived in So. Cal)

Any who, she finally convinces me to move up here and we have a fall out because she moved out of her apt and moved in with her cousin to be close to her man, but she left 2 of her kids with her heroin addict father and the oldest (14/m) in the empty apt. with a blanket a pillow and a piece of cake for a week. She wouldn't even come feed him, he would go to my place to eat.

So, naturally, I got HEATED and told her my thoughts. So to make a long story short, we fell out.

Before she and I said our final harsh goodbyes, I told her I never want to hear that she is bad mouthing me or my family, now come to find out she's telling her kids who are telling my kids friends that I neglected my kids and sent them to live in a shelter because I didn't want them anymore and now my kids friends and their parents are calling me and my kids to see if things are okay??? IM MAD !!! What should I do? I'm open to all advise comments whatever just please help me to not go over there and give her the beating of her life !!




  1. She should have been turned in to child protection and she's lucky you didn't do that because I sure would have. You actually still should because you are not going to be in their lives anymore and they need some sort of protection.

    That being said, you need to move you and your kids back home and stay away from her. Doesn't sound like she's going to do anything but bring you down.

  2. Hi..Real friends are hard to come by, I know its hard but you must try and forgive her. Yes she did a terrible thing but with the help of a true and loyal friend helping her and giving her advice she may come to her senses. Don't desert her over a mistake she's made...Remember we ALL make mistakes at times. GOOD LUCK  

  3. This friendship is over ...stop wasting energy getting there any reason why you cant go home now.....?

  4. You can't let little things like this ruin a good friendship.

    I think you should apologize

  5. Ok, she is obviously  very immature and  a horrible parent to boot who needs to have a visit from social services. But don’t stoop to her level and kick her azz. That might just land you in jail with an assault wrap that you and your kids certainly don’t need. I suggest you get as far away from her as possible and end all contact between families. She is no good and your children don’t need to be around any kind of influence like that. I am from So Cal and where as its pretty up north, we have the best thing going so move back to where you belong.

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