
OK guys got performance tomorow, really need your help!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i was just wondering if it is ok to sing a song (performance) while listening to it on your mp3 in one ear just as an aid??? yeh its because i seem to sing better if i listen to the song. Thanx guys




  1. if you can do it surreptitiously (no one can see it)

  2. It is not something that you see very often and you might be criticized.

    If you are in a recording studio you will see performers listening to themselves or a track that was recorded to help them.

    If you were to record yourself singing with an mp3 and without, you might be surprised.  What you are hearing with an mp3 along with your voice is definitely going to sound better to you, but the audience does not hear both.

    That is enough rambling

  3. Kab is right.  It's like singing along with the radio in the car. I think I sound great singing with the radio, but the passenger usually doesn't, lol.  I assume you already have the song memorized?  If so, then why would you need an earpiece? Just remember the musical cues and go from there.

  4. u cn sing with it alrite, but sing properly!!!!! GUD LUK!!!!!

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