
OK - here's a follow-up question to the first one.?

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Here'e what my lease says for all you lawyers and landlords out there:

Landlord, or Landlords' agents shall have the right to enter the demised premises at all times to examine the same, to show them to the prospective purchasers or leasees of same, and to make such decorations, repairs, alterations, improvements or additions, as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable.

So, whatcha think ??




  1. Need some more facts: are we talking about landlord tenant law in the USA? are you saying that you rented the whole thing house and garage and to wit the landlord is coming and going as they please

    If yes to USA and yes to the over all, then immaterial to what you signed on the lease, the lease may not over ride state statute, which under statute gives you the right under quit enjoyment to rent the whole place free and clear of the landlord no matter what you signed

    what is the landlord excuse for just showing up at the garage?

    you may want to seek legal counsel

  2. Actually most states say a landlord must give 24 hour notice to enter, not 48.  However, if the garage is not part of your lease, then the landlord can enter it anytime he wants.  But not your apt or house.   He must give you 24 hour notice either in writing or by telephone.

  3. If the garage is not specifically listed as something you rent then it is not part of the rental agreement.

  4. That's great.  But he is forgetting one thing that is written in the law and doesn't appear in any lease.  He must give you 48 written notice to enter any portion of your property.  I said that right  "Your Property".  When you pay rent it's yours for the duration of the lease.  Same for his realty agent. 48 hour written notice to show the house.  The one exception is that a landlord is allowed to enter if there is water flooding out under the front door or flames are engulfing the house.

    Now on to the practical matter at hand.  THis landlord has already made his decision.  He is just going to enter whenever he pleases.  He knows he has to give notice and he chooses not to.  Can you grit your teeth and stay.  Some places are so "perfect" in all other ways that you can put up with a snoopy landlord.

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