
OK here is a question for the Scientific Community........?

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The Anthopologist, in general, believes we evolved from Ape-Like creatures. The Archeologist believes we are and have always believed we have been in Humanoid form. My Question concerns both statements above. What if we were "brought" here to Earth as a human race, evolved into something else, and evolved back in to Humans? To be Honest, and NO disrespect to the Scientific Community at large, EVERYTHING is PURE speculation. In research there are definitely diffinitive QUESTIONS, but no REAL diffinitive ANSWERS. ok, so how did Life start at ALL? Ape, Human or otherwise? THAT is the REAL question that warrents contemplation and research. If 90% of the HUMAN race believes we are the ONLY intelligent life in the Universe, are we really an OPEN minded race at all? I believe I as a person have an open mind and do all the research I can before I come to a conclusion. There are so many therories out there today that we as an individual must decide for ourselves, what to believe.




  1. The answer my friend is called Science.   That's the system we've built after 8,000 years or so of trying, which allows us to determine how the world really works by looking at it closely, and carefully testing results and assumptions.    It helps us avoid lying to ourselves or each other, or getting snared into never ending spirals of  B.S. nonsense as in your question.

  2. The only problem is that evolution only moves towards adaptation to whatever the current environment is now.

    In order to even have a chance of happening that way:

    Human  --> more primitive --> human

    Both the environment would have to change to be exactly the same, the same genes would have to be available, the same exact behaviors would have to be used to address survival and sexual selection needs, and... quickly reach a point that the probability of that happening is ridiculously small.

    Now, what is reasonable is that similar environments plus similar modes of behaving can produce similar morphology (appearance...)

  3. 1)  Archaeologists are anthropologists.

    2)  Archaeologists accept human evolution.

    3)  There is PLENTY of evidence for evolution.  Your lack of an education does not mean that the facts do not exist.

  4. All life on earth, above the level of plants, have one common ancestor that is nearly one billion years old...

    This animal is the sponge!

    They breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide, like all the rest of us. Plants do the opposite!

  5. The only problem with that is that ALL life has common DNA components showing that all life is connected back almost to the beginning (2 billion years ago).  So it's possible that DNA was scattered here by some aliens, but it would have been long ago.  And without the last major die-off 65 million years ago (from an asteroid) humans would not have arisen.

    So you can have the opinion that we were put here by aliens, but you have to incorporate ALL known facts about earth life and you can't just ignore what is uncomfortable.

  6. Perhaps, but I did not realize that anthropologist and archaeologist were in disagreement. Your question is for the scientific community; so why do you address it to social scientists? Everything may be pure speculation in social science, but in science we have the crossed-checked evidence to support our positions. You, on the other hand, have not brought up one scintilla of evidence for your rather heterodox position. No evidence; no tickie!

  7. I think that the theory that speciation is caused by incremental mutations fails to conform to the fossil record-- it is not a matter of "missing links", the entire chain hypothesized in the late Nineteen Century has failed to materialize. Human beings have been selectively breeding dogs for thousands of years, and yet the telegenic regression to the mean continues to insure that two dogs, when mated, will produce only puppies, not some new species.  In the same way human beings always produce new human beings, ape always produce apes, and so on.  The question of the ultimate origin of the species is one that molecular biology seems unable to answer-- despite the much ballyhooed "proof" of this or that evolutionist's pet theory that is announced with fanfare every few years and drops into obscurity shortly thereafter.  (Anybody remember The Naked Ape?)

    As far as your contention that 90% of the Human race believes that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, I would take objection to that figure.  I, myself, believe rather strongly that we are not, but even those who have no reason to believe that other intelligent life exists certainly have no evidence that it does not, the universe being a rather large place.

  8. do you realize how retarded that theory sounds?

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