
OK heres my case............?

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isnt it funny how my case for why youger gymnasts are better has been deleted twice. after you see it your only comeback is probly were jealous. watever.

heres the argument. young athletes are lighter and more limber. older athletes weigh more thus giving them much more leverage on landings. now if you have some genius counter fact tell me. i want to know. i betcha 5 bucks this question gets deleted




  1. Just because they look young doesn't mean they are young. For crying out loud, I'm a 25 yr old Asian girl and I look younger than most 18 yr old American girls out there. This is just getting ridiculous. I wish I look like my age though. =)

  2. If it's no big deal why have the rule?

  3. Yes, It's likely that the Chinese gymnasts were underage and that it's easier for younger people to do a better job... There's no legal proof yet, though that they are underage (or not that I heard of anyways)

    but the US wasn't doing very well... they don't deserve the gold either. People should really ignore it and not let it bother them until real proof comes out.

    I understand what you mean about the overshoot and what not.

    I could do a cartwheel and a handstand when I was in 5th grade, but I can't seem to do it anymore, I have grown...

  4. Totally agreed. It is just like under weight or underage divers so to have small splashes upon entrance. It is all about health and not gold medals. Kids should not be exposed to pressured competions at early age which may effect both the physical and mental healths.

  5. Even if they are limber, if they cant preform under pressure or do well, its a waste. Just because they're lighter and limber doesnt mean they wont fall or make a mistake. Older athletes have the experience and know how to handle their business in a pressured event. EDIT: I know what you mean but their score still gets deducted for falling backwards so how's that still an advantage? Yes but the judges see and still deduct points if you fall completely or just show signs of falling but then getting yourself back up. Both are deducted except not as harsh as one of the other.

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