
OK i fell in love with a cockatiel today!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i went to a pet store and they had young cockitiels for sale. I asked if i could hold one ... i fell in love instantly it was the most affectionate little bird.. ever! i almost bought it. I think a lovebird might be easier to care for? not sure i do like the fact that lovebirds are smaller though. anyways i really would love to take the bird (or any bird) home and i am so ready and have the money. But i cannot convince my parents. How did you convince your parents?




  1. i had a cockateil and it was very easy to care for. i told my parents how i would take care of it, clean it's cage, make sure it had food and water. i promised them i would be responsible.  

  2. if your parents don't want you to get one that means you shouldn't be on this website. usually your age you can bye one yourself!

  3. well.......mine is a parakeet......choose any way or try all of them

    1.first of be very responsible around the house

    2.lend them money and say you don't have to pay me if you buy me cage and the bird

    3.bother them while they are on the phone with a friend or someone close that can convince them

    4.pout in your bedroom and just show them you really wanted to have one

    5.when it is your birthday,they will probably say yes (that is the way i convince my parents)

    6.if they don't want you to have bird for your present tell em' just don't give me any present if you won't buy me a bird

    those are the possible but not really accurate if you are not a really good actress :D

  4. Just tell them they're easy to take care of.

  5. okay this is wha you do when you mom or dad is on the phone the one that is most cool with you. you tell them "mom can i please get that bird at that pet shop?"lplease please please" then just annoy them about it when there on the phone. but make sure there talking to there friend or family mem. because then you mom will tell her friend oo its my child saying she wants a bird. then your moms friend will be like oo just get her the bird. and they will take about it and stuff. or if that no work show her cutie cockatiel pics threw the computer.


    best site about cockatiels ever. click every where its so amazing

    good luck

  6. maybe while you sitting one night with your mom and dad go on the you tube and find some really cute videos of cockateil doing something funny or cute. And then you can mention how you and this little bird really bonded at the pet store and it would be a shame not get him or let him go to any other family but yours. Put on some good act maybe drop a tear or two. Tell them it has been proven that having a bird in the house relives tention and stress :)

    I guarantee they will love it.  

    tell them how you was petting them and that someone came up to you and told you that birds chose people they want to be with and it looked as this cockateil picked you :)

    Good luck convincing them :)

    keep me posted i want to know what happened ;) and becide cockateil is so easy to care for. I would go with a cockateil instead of love bird i guess becayse i got 2 cockateils and they are the love of  my life :)

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