
OK i going to be a junior and i was wondering what kind of healthy lunches i should make this year btw i dont?

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have a microwave to heat it up so any salads recieps or anything i can try that would taste good? but healthy and perferbaly no meat thanks




  1. You can always bring a thermos to school with some good soup in it. Campbell's makes good soups or you can look up a recipe to make a soup.  Um, let's can always convert just about any sandwich into a wrap or you could use pita bread. One of my favorites can be done on either a wrap or pita bread. Just take a slice or two of provolone cheese, add some green bell pepper slices, some tomato slices, and romaine lettuce or any type of leafy lettuce. It's so good!  Fruits and yogurt are good choices to include. I could probably help you better if you included your diet. You said preferably no meat, so are you a semi-vegetarian or are you trying to go veg?

    A good thing to include with your fruit is honey. It makes a delicious dip! Wheat is good to include. Another little side you could add to your lunch would be a combination of wheat thins or triscuits accompanied with cheese wedges. I use Laughing Cow's Original swiss cheese wedges on wheat thins. It is delicious! You can also peruse the net for recipes or go to a local bookstore. I've come across some books that have recipes for students. (vegetarian, because that's what I am.) Hopefully this helps.

  2. You can make some sandwiches:  cheese, eggplant, egg,  or subway style (but homemade).    You can even take gazpacho, this is a cool tomato drink.

    Another choice is pasta salad, add petit pois, mushrooms, green pepper and onion in slices, with olive oil, pepper, oregano, salt and some cheese.  This taste good and you will have your carbohydrates, your protein and mono saturated fat.

    You can do a vegetarian carpaccio, instead of using fish use steamed broccoli or cauliflower, after they are steamed, put them under cool water, then just add pepper, salt, 1/2  lemon juice, olive oil, green pepper and onion in small slices.  You can eat with two slices of whole grain bread with sliced cheese.  

    You can have some chickpeas salad, just add chopped tomato and onion, black olives and garnish with olive oil and salt and pepper.  If you like you could add 1 boiled egg in small cubes.

    You can make some burritos, use whole grain tortilla, soy meat, add some tomato, cheese, and some beans.  

    Always have some salad, like lettuce, broccoli, carrot, green pepper, or the veggies you like.  Use olive oil for the dressing or balsamic vinegar or just lemon.

    For desert, you can have some granola bar, or a fruit yogurt, or have some fruits.

    And a bottle of water!

  3. Gourmet, she said no meat so I would assume she is a vegetarian.  Tuna is fish which is not vegetarian.  Bring in salads, a peanut butter and/or jelly sandwich, nuts, seeds.  It is hard because you can't microwave.  Just eat a good breakfast so that you can have a smaller lunch and then have a snack and a nice dinner when you get home from school.

  4. Peanut butter and raisin sandwiches are awesome. Any foods that don't need refrigerating are a good choice.  Snack packs could include pudding cups,cheese dips with tostito chips or pretzels with cheese dip apples or any other fruit you like may need to make lunch time your snack as opposed to before you leave home and when you get home when you can use your micro so as not to limit yourself...try and buy items that say refrigerate after opening, and get them in serving sizes that you can use without waste.

  5. A piece of fruit and yougurt; roll up lettuce and tuna salad in a tortilla; use a Thermos for soups; cheese sandwiches on whole grain bread; a handful of grapes and some whole grain crackers; peanut butter and apple slices; egg salad on whole wheat.

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