
OK i have this friend......?

by  |  earlier

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okay this guy asked me out and i said yes.... i broke up with him cuz he didnt talk 2 me and so ya... now he never talks 2 me @ 1st he did but now he doesnt im gonna c him on wed. 4 school pictures... should i say somethin? plz help!




  1. if you really like him then you should say hi and ask him hows he doing and stuff

  2. You answered mine so i'll answer yours :p

    Honestly it sounds weird to ask a girl out and then not talk to her after she said yes... Maybe you could talk to him to see what he says? I mean, If your friends with him or care about him still then it would only be right to ask him how he is at least. Who knows, maybe he asked you out cause he thought you would say no. Then you said yes and he had no idea what to say about it cause he was shocked?  

  3. You should let him come to you, and if he doesn't then don't bother to say hello or hi. If he didn't talk to you when you were going out I kinda doubt he will talk to you now. But I could be wrong.  

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