
OK i need some tips please?!?

by Guest32557  |  earlier

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so there's this REALLY hot guy who's locker's right above mine, and he sits next to me in science class too (we sit at tables so im like really close to him). and he's super hot. so i need some tips to get him to like me?! what to wear, how to act, how to do hair/makeup, all that stuff. !) POINTS FOR BEST!!!





  1. BE YOURSELF! yes that sounds corny but if he asks you out, and you say yeah but your the completely oposit of who you are, you are going to hate dating him. and just get to know the guy. ask him questions. be funny. and BE YOURSELF. : )

  2. Wear the kind of stuff he wears, or if he has a gf see what she is wearing (hopefull he doesn't have a gf though!!!) then dress like that. do your makeup so people can't tell that you are wearing it but think you look better. act like yourself. do your hair in a messy bun, or a french twist, or put 2 barrettes on the side, of do your hair like everyone else at your school.  

  3. Do small things first, like ask him how he's doing, pick up a pencil, or a dropped paper. try to focus more on him, if you get a chance to talk. don't go right out and say "I think you are really nice" , but try and find a way to slip that in to the current conversation.  

  4. if hes at the locker above...

    at the same time when he goes ot his, you bend down and while hes there at his his..get up and 'accidently' bang your head off his locker..then he might talk to you and also if your at his table later on...itl give you somehting to talk about playfully as in 'remeber that day at the lockers.....'


  5. BE A PREPPY s**t

  6. act like you and for the rest how do you look like? like your profile pic? hair should be straight makeup dont over do it and i guess jus flirt with the dude

  7. Just act normal, and dress like you would anyday (like don't go all out just for him). The only thing you would need to do to get him to notice you is talk to him. SO...maybe you could tell him that you didn't get w/e the teacher was talking about in class *wink, wink* . Or maybe forget your textbook one day on purpose and ask him to share his with you. Then start a convo with him from then on. How about being lab partners? There's alot of ways, use your imagination and Goodluck:)

    EDIT: I'm really glad you talked to him! You broke the ice lol...its easy from then on...just use the tips above:)

  8. Well, first off he may not like you and you cant force him to just because hes hot and all. he may just be eye candy and like that forever.

    But if you really want to try to get him to notice you, dont be shy. talk to him first. dress s**y but not sluttty. and be outgoing and fun. Dont wear too much makeup, just enough that makes you look cute.

  9. ask for a hug

  10. Don't try to hard because then it will be soo obvious! Just start a conversation with him. Pick one of his interests. As far as makeup and hair stuff like that, make your makeup, hair and clothes flatter you. Good luck!

  11. I bet that you are gorgeous without any makeup! I actually wear makeup since I hate my eyes, but I'll help you out! Act yourself, guys usually like girls who don't change who they are to get their attention. I would say just add a little eyeliner above your lashes and under your eyes. I use black eyeshadow and a really thin eyeliner brush and sweep the eyeshadow right above my lashes. That makes a very volumized (SP) look, it also looks super pretty. Wear clothes that are flirty, but not too over the top. Like jeans with a girly top or just wear whatever you think flatters your shape the most! As for your hair, you can always curl it one day or straighten in the next. I hope I helped! Since I don't know what you look like, I probably suggested a few things that don't interest you. I just hope that I gave you some great ideas! GOOD LUCK!  

  12. act natural(:

    look over at hima nd when he catches you give him a little smile and go back to your work or whichever...

    if you see him in class be like "studying for this would suck a lot less if we did it in?"

    or maybe "we should celebrate when this test is over. i promise we wont talk about photosynthesis" with a little smile


    give him compliments when you see him

    tell himhis shirt brings out his eye

    but make sure its the same color!!

    or say something like "i love you shirt. did you pick it or do you have a very stylish girlfriend?"


    so you can see if hes single first before you start hitting on him

    if you arent shy and would ask him on a date you should say we should go someplace where the food isnt served on plastic trays(:

    i rly hope i helped

    and also you can go to and pick up some cute hairstyles and makeup for dates


  13. don't do anything differently is all i can say

    if you act different, look different, he will like you for that, not for you

    if he's worth any time, he will like you for what you are

    so just be yourself

    and if he doesn't like that, hes not worth it.

    and also, hot doesn't always mean he's a good guy

    he's probably used to having girls all over him

    maybe you can be that one different girl who isn't all over him

    some guys like that

  14. don't make it look like your trying too hard, but do wear makeup.  i would do something neutral with some eyeliner and mascara. try to always be with some friends when your around him, that way he knows you're like able.  as to what you should wear, it really depends on your taste.  i recommend some shorts that are not super short but not that long and a cut top that's not to tight and definitely no belly peek a boos!  that can look like your trying too hard. as for hair, try to have a range.  don't straighten it everyday, but try to always wear it down.

    basically, be yourself.  you can talk to him a little and then more and more and then something might start up.   maybe ask if he's going to a football game that you can go to or invite him to the movies with a group of friends, just groups before dating!!

    best of luck!!

  15. hahaaa . okay im gunna give you some tips.

    alright. don't come on too strong. if you're too FLIRTY you may come off as annoying if he isn't attracted to you yet. be subtle but sweet when talking to him. don't act desperate either. if he flirts back then you can start to find out if he is interested.

    wear anything you would normally wear. the best thing to know if he's really for you it to wear what you LIKE to wear. Get a trendy hairstyle and a little mascara/lipgloss.  

  16. Number one just be yourself guys apparently don't like it when you act out of order.

    Wear light makeup for instance eyeliner a little powder and blush and a little mascara nothing to drastic.

    Do your hair how you think it looks best.

    But mainly you should use your personality to get him to like you lol; don't make it obvious though just act normal and find out some of his intrests and what not and say things like "oh yeah thats neat" or whatever, (: and wear something that you feel you look best in or ask your friends? :D.

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