
OK i wanna be a OB/GYN(Obstetrics and gynecology). Am i weird?

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Im a boy




  1. I work with a bunch of male OB/GYNs.  Only some of them are weird.

  2. I know several male OB/GYNs (Heck, Obi-Wan Kenobi didn't do such a bad job hehehe). There's a bit of everything. Some of them are lecherous creeps I'd never undress in a 10 mile radius and others are just normal people.

    If you like it, go for it. Now, if you were female and wanted to become an urologist.. now that would be strange (there's still a lot of machismo in that specialty).

    As for me, I'd never, ever become an OB/GYN, I hate that specialty. Everyone has their favorite specialties and their least favorites. I'm still kinda undecided between Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics myself.

  3. My OB/GYN is male.  He is not wierd.

  4. of course not.  Many ob/gyn's are men!  be sure to warm up those tongs before use...

  5. Absolutely not.  I'm a boy too and i'm going to medical school training to be an Gynecologist (it was between that and Pediatrician and I FINALLY made up my mind) and there's nothing weird about me (that i know of lol jk).  Many men work in this field but the only ones who are weird are the ones who are only in it to see girls naked and touch them etc.  To be in this career, you have to have a passion to help other people (other women in particular).  And trust me, its not as simple as it may seem!  You're going to learn a lot though, and i've changed my mind so many times, and I finally found the career I want to stick with.  

    If you are weird, its naturally so you have nothing to worry about lol.  Just to let you know though, if you have any sisters, they'll probablly think you're weird.  Lol I have a little sister (she's a teen) and she don't like it if I hug her cuz she thinks i'm weird now just because i'm training in this field.  But she's a girl so its natural for her to act like this at first.

    You also have to learn how to stay calm and keep a smooth, happy attitude in that career.

    But anyways, keep up the good work and no matter what career choice you pick in the medical field, it will be an excellent one!  Good luck  :)

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