Question: this just ridiculous or am i just crazy?

by  |  earlier

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My friend is mad and i think it is soooo unecessary, but I might be wrong so i'm wondering what other people think.

So we were going to take grade 12 math together next year (we're going into grade 11)...but I'm NOT good at math, and i talked to my psychic and she said i would be stressed all year if i did that, and my whole family thinks it's a horrible i switched out. now she's doing it alone, but i'm with her in a bunch of other classes now because that's how it worked out....and now she's mad at me....

it has nothing to do with her, that's just about the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Unless i'm wrong

I want honest opinions...




  1. Okay, your friend is acting like a 4 year old kid going to school for the first time, crying and screaming for mommy to save them from the mean bus.  That's pretty insecure for someone in grade 11. What happens when she goes to college???  Because this is obviously difficult for her, you should be there for her, but she's got to be able to go to a class without you.

  2. Shes mad obviously cause you listened to a psyhic to decide your path. You should of done math with her for a while instead of avoid the entire thing all together.

  3. I think that you did the right thing. You made a good decision for yourself and now she's kicking up a fuss because she's lonely? Her behavior is sounding childish and immature. You're both in high school, not pre school and she needs to learn how to work by herself if she's going to survive out there in the big, bad world.


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