
OK...isn't this pure evil coming from a woman ???

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I was walking back home from the campus where I work. It was well after midnight and there was no one else around except for single white girl who was walking a few yards ahead of me.

I was tired and started walking really fast with loud footsteps. She didn't look back but just continued walking normally.

However, when I got a few inches from behind her, she suddenly turned around and was about to scream, but I quickly swerved away and then crossed to the other side of the street.

I was scared of the thought: what if she had cried out rape or maced me or something? I would have gotten into some SERIOUS trouble because it was only her words against mine, and since she's a white girl they would have taken her word.

She was the furthest thing from my mind, I've never broken the law (my record is perfectly clean). Yet I could have gotten into serious trouble just because some **EVIL**, paranoid white girl though I was going to assault her. Seems mighty unfair.




  1. The only thing you have a right to be upset about is your thoughtlessness in putting yourself in that situation.

  2. you two both felt exactly the same way - scared.  she was worried for her safety because she thought she was alone and you were gaining speed on her.  you were worried she would try to charge you with a crime you didn't commit.  she had no reason to be reading your mind - she didn't scream, and she didn't intend to ruin your life.  you couldn't read her mind - you didn't attack, and you didn't ruin her life.

  3. You are a bigot. You see evil where none exists.

    You walked up behind a woman and you startled her. You should have excused yourself and kept going.

  4. I dont' think evil is the word. It fdoesn't sound like she did this for fun or spite, she was obviously very scared. Maybe she was paranoid or maybe she'd had a bad experience before.

    You say she was about to scream and then didn't do anything else. So you made her jump, there's no reason to believe that she would have cried rape.

  5. What exactly is evil about being scared?  For whatever reason you intimidated her, intentionally or not.  

    Nothing happened.  Get over it, and put yourself in her shoes next time you want to ***** about something that was a non-event.

  6. i see where your coming from but i also see why she was scared but you couldent if walk quitly coz then shed think you where sneking up on her all you could have done is walkd away from her

  7. Women are vulnerable in these situations and always have been, i feel for them, the fact that your black means nothing, your a man and she is afraid because the odds are against her if there is a confrontation, Remember Ted Bundy?

  8. Next time do not walk fast with loud footsteps. Just ackowledging you did that states you knew what you were doing. Think of the time and circumstance and also think about how you were in that situation.

    She may have overreacted, but you could have easily diffused the situation.

  9. She couldn't have helped being afraid. She had about as much malicious intent as you, which is zero. And why do you call so much attention to her skin colour?

  10. She looked like she was going to scream, but didn't.  So whats the big deal - she realized you meant no harm, and no harm was done.

    I understand 'what could have happened'...but it didn't - no evil there...

  11. keep in mind she is that way because girls have to be when they are alone because of all the sick individuals out there! to her it doesnt seem like it has anything to do with the color or your skin unfortinatly you are right when it comes to the police wich sux! the only thing you really can do is avoid situations like this at all costs.

  12. Always seems to, to someone with a victim mentality.

  13. I'd be nervous too, if it was dark and after midnight and some random guy behind me began walking rapidly all of a sudden..

  14. next time just smile and say hello and keep walking

  15. Yah, she was a bit of an alarmist.  If there is a next time, when a girl whirls around like that give a little squeaky scream of your own and admonish her not to scare you like that.

  16. Even if she had gotten scared and screamed.. she would have quickly realized that you weren't after her.. so it's not like she would have filed charges.

  17. what nonsense. she was startled that's all

    lostfan > if some guy said that to me i'd be even more on my guard! maybe she's walking home from work too? it's a bit patronising to say 'it's not safe out here'.

  18. I think your fears are perfectly founded. As much as we say that racism is dead -you are absolutley right. If she had cried rape you wouldn't have had a chance. (A white man accused of raping a white girl is guilty until proven innocent -a black man accused of raping a white girl, well I wouldn't bet on your chances)

    It is mighty unfair. I sympathize, but such is life. Change takes time. We are on our way but we still have a ways to go.

  19. I think I would have done the same if I were her. We women have to watch our back now a days. So don't blame here for watching her back. I think it unfair that you say she is paranoid. How would you feel if some one did that to you? And no I would not say that she is evil.

  20. Any normal person would not walk that closely behind someone, especially after dark.  I understand you meant no harm, but can't you see why a woman walking by herself would think that's creepy?

  21. I don't think she was necessarily trying to be "the evil white girl" I think we are just conditioned to always be prepared for the worst. We are taught the moment you let you guard down something horrible will happen. Also, I am wondering would you have thought it was quite as evil if it hadn't been a white girl?

  22. do you know her side of the story?

    do you know if shes been raped before?

  23. You're paranoid.

    You're assuming something about HER, and pissed that you "imagine" she assumed something about you.

    Do YOU see how "unfair" that is?

  24. I don't think it matters what COLOR they are... if a woman is walking alone at night, she has every reason to be scared when she hears heavy, fast footsteps behind her.  Most guys would be, too.

  25. When there's any kind of confrontation between a man and a woman, the law gives the female the benefit of every doubt.  Men are thus regarded as the Suspect s*x.  Of course Liberalism pulls the strings of our "justice" system, which is as hostile to true justice as the old KKK.  Proceed accordingly: watch your step.

  26. Dude.  It was AFTER MIDNIGHT.  Give a person a break.

    How do you know she didn't just come from watching a horror flick with her friends or something?  That alone would make a person edgy, even if there are no such things as monsters.

    She didn't scream or accuse you of anything.  You, however, have called her evil.  Which one of you is more paranoid?

  27. So, you are acusing that girl for suddenly be surprised for your presence and got scared??.... that's silly man.

  28. Well, I understand your concern with how crazy racism still is these days.  However, I truly don't believe she did because of color.  With all the crime that is taking place on campus these days - let alone everywhere else - I'm sure she was concerned about the footsteps and that's it.  I get a little frightened sometimes when I hear footsteps like that, especially if they're quick and close behind me.

  29. She sounded scared-don't see anything evil about what this woman did. What's evil about being scared? Quite a few women have been molested as children or raped as adults or have been battered as children or adults. I would have probably done the same thing she did-I've been attacked as an adult and beaten as a child by my father. I don't care if you're male or female or black or white-anyone can be violent in this society and anyone can be a victim.

  30. Haven this exact situation being discussed like a month ago?

    She is not evil, just a paranoid. Rape news makes them that way.

    But yes, you could have gotten into trouble for no reason at all.

  31. Walking alone at night is scary .  I don't need a reason to jump.  My footsteps echoing scares the sh*t out of me.


    With all due respect, your career and life were no more threatened than was her life.  I understand your fear, just as you should understand hers.  It seems that both of you have active imaginations.  As do we all.

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