
OK--mothers...what would you do if your child nominated you on what not to wear?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is like awesome

she is so great and puts her kids before everything, and buys us a lot of stuff, and she doesn't have time to buy herself anything

she normally just wears dresses that don't fit her body shape, jeans that are ripped because they are too long, and clothing that just doesn't look flattering on her. Don't get me wrong, she knows how to look fashionable (she always advises my sister and i what to wear/buy) but she just buys cheap and unflattering clothes.

do you think she is a good candidate for what not to wear, even though she says she has a sense of style?

i joke around with her saying i'm going to sign her up for the show and she says if i ever do that she will not do it. I tried convincing her but she wouldn't budge.




  1. I actually think it would be awesome! I love that show and I will be the first to admit that I am in need of their help badly. LOL I think it's great that you're thinking of your mom's needs. You're a good daughter.

  2. Its nice your thinking of her.

  3. Yes she would be one it would teach her the type of body shape she has and the things that would go good with her skin tone or color

  4. I would be happy.  it would be nice meeting Clinton and Stacey, and to have a flattering hair do, and learn how to do makeup the right way.  Also the $5,000 shopping spree in new York.  Anyone would be nuts not wanting to do this.

  5. She would be a perfect candidate!

    You should go ahead with the plan and see if they will eccept her. Once they do, they can convince her. If it goes this far! Once you know they are interested, you can help talk her into it. Just tell her this is her time for recognition.

    You are a good daughter and I think it is wonderful that you have such a good relationship with her.

    If she is a good sport, she will go! Good luck and I hope she gets to do it.

  6. Personally, I would say that unless your mother has said she is okay with it, it would be very disrespectful to nominate her for a show like that.  Give her suggestions.  Give her a gift certificate and ask if you can take her shopping.  But forget the TV show idea.

  7. Personally. . .and I can ONLY speak for myself. . .I WOULDN'T mind it if my child did that!  In fact. . .I'd probably find it funny.

    Like you said, though, it ISN'T that your Mom DOESN'T know better, it's just that, apparently, she doesn't have the MONEY.  I feel badly for her and admire her for sacrificing so much for her children!

    Give her a BIG HUG AND KISS!  I think THAT'S what she would appreciate the MOST!

  8. she has a good fashion sense it's just money problems. she's worried about you guys and doesn't have time to buy good clothes for her stuff. and when it comes to her it's a tight budget so she can't buy nice clothes

  9. if it came down to it, I bet she would go.  If you really feel this way, send her butt to the show!  Some people really do need some help and on the show dont they give the person like a couple thousand dollars to shop with?? ya cant go wrong!!!

  10. I would be embarrassed about the secret footage, its almost like they try to find the worst possible shots for that LOL

    But $5,000.00 and a haircut from someone like Nic would be amazing. And the make up advice as well, I could handle the embarrassment.

  11. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO MY MOTHER. Especially if she doesn't want you to. How great of you to think of her though...

    If she has good fashion scense, then tell her to go on a shopping spree! Maybe you can no shop for a while.

    Leave your sweet mom alone. Let her take care of you and she'll tend to herself when she's ready.

  12. I think that she would. It is awesome that you appreciate everything your mom sacrifices for you and it would be good for her to get $5000 to shop just for herself. Every mom needs something just for her.

  13. LOL you should just do it anyways.

    Did you? :)

  14. I would love it!

    I know I sometimes end up buying things that don't work real well.

    Just tell her we all could use a leasson from Stacy and Clinton!  

  15. WHY would you say no to that shopping spree?!!

    If she really seems serious about not going though, I wouldn't do it. Especially if you think it will hurt her feelings or pride. But if you think she would take it as.. say, constructive criticism.. go for it! Like I said, that shopping spree is awesome, not to mention just the places you get to shop at.. that's not normal shopping for most people.. :)

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