
OK my friend is a great person but does bad things and her parents have no clue. Help me save my friend!?

by  |  earlier

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She tells people she has s*x and gives guys blow jobs. She also meets random guys. Once she met up with a guy from myspace. Also she starves her self. He mom is a major hottie and she is sort of fat. My parents don't like her to much either. Her parents don't see whats happening because their divorced. My other friends and i want to tell her parent but don't want to damage or friendship with her. We tell her all the time to stop what she's doing but she won't. Please help me save my friend.




  1. OMG i feel soo bad for you... but tell her parents.. and tell yours too and if saving her costs the friend ship wouldn't it be worth it? i mean really she needs help and it will show you are a really good friend by saving her. TELL HER PARENTS AND YOURS! asap!

  2. tell her parents

    what person meets up with someone they met on myspace/facebook

    you dont know who is really on the other side of the computer!

    she also sounds like kind of a s**t, which could result in pregnancy or STI's

    you and your friends should all sit down with her mother one day and let in her on what is going on in her daughters life and tell your friend it is for the best & she will thank you later when she gets her head straight

  3. Talk to your friend about it.  

  4. First of all, let me tell you that it is extremely noble of you and your friends to be so involved in helping your friend. I am proud of you :)

    What you need to do is talk to her mother (or father) about what's going on. Tell her that she's been having oral and vaginal s*x and that she's starving herself. Ask them not to tell your friend it was you that brought them the information. Ask them to keep it a secret.

    If her mother (or father) is an understanding, responsible adult, they will listen to you and take note of everything you say. They will also sit their daughter down and talk to her about what's going on.


  5. i agree with the rest you and your friends are 1 and million that you would be willing to get her help .you dinfinely need to tell her parent's if they are caring parents they will step in and get her some help.she is so lucky to have friends like ya'll. and just maybe if you tell your parents that she really needs all the help she can get they will understand what she means to you. i still phrase you and your friends don't give up on her.

    good luck

  6. not telling anyone won't stop your friend from getting hurt. if you don't tell someone you friends hurt herself to a point where she could get seriously hurt. when she's starving herself she is depriving her body of essential nutrients that she needs to survive. by doing this she increases her risks of heart failure, starving herself to death by malnutrition or some disease because her body's immune system is very weak, and many other things. also since she might be having s*x if she doesn't have enough fat or body weight or getting the right nutrition and she gets pregnant (which is possible no matter what, having it with a condom or not) she is going to kill her baby and herself.

    YOU and your other friends need to tell someone now before she kills herself. if it means risking you friendship, just say whatever, because if you really care you will tell someone who can help her! she'll will be pissed you told but eventually she should realize that you did it because you care not because you want to be a nark!! tell someone or risk seen her die because you didn't act. it's your choice.

  7. First you have to ask yourself, how good of a friend are you? I think a real friend would find away to help someone they care about. It sounds like what your friend is getting into will only harm her. Maybe you could write a letter to her Mom or Dad anonymously?  

  8. HELP YOUR FRIEND!! tell her parents! save her! i remember watching tyra where the episode is about teenagers doing s*x, drugs, hurting theirselves, etc. what they did is that they consulted a psychologist for their kid and after the treatment, the girl became more aware of herself and became a different person. if i were you, i'd first try saying it to her parents cause they can really help through. she won't hate you. if she does, at least you know that you're helping her  through.:)

  9. tell her parents

  10. even though u dont want 2 ruin ur friendship w/ her u shuld tell her parents and she will thank u 4 it later. no offense but ur friend is acting like a total s**t and u shuld do something to help her or she is gunna end up pregnant!

  11. you cant change ppl. i understand you wanting to help but it will just get you hurt in the long run.

  12. At first I started to type let her save herself. In this case, I think all of you should get together and tell her mom. At least if something tragic happens to her (hopefully not) at least it'll be a load off your mind that you did what you could.


  13. I know this has to be really hard. But you should deffinitely tell her parents, because it has to do with her health. You will be a better friend by telling her parents, and if you're worried about her not being friends with you afterward then just think of how much you will be helping her in the end.

    Sorry, I hope it works out.

  14. i would tell her mom, it is obvious she is looking for attention,but is going about it in a negative way.if it starts a fight between you two, just tell het you did it because you care about her and dont want to see her get and std or become pregnant.sometimes people dont realize that they need an intervention.if she is not listening to her friends she needs to listen to someone.

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